PS 155 51% 16kc (all premiums active) Armor 140+24 drop Perf with Amethyst gem+9 7.5kc shield 140+24 drop nice stats 5.5kc Scythe 138+24 -0-0 6kc Spear 142+24 -0-0 with ruby socket 9kc Brac 140 bsol 2kc boot 140 bsol 2kc greedy gaunt bsol 2.5kc SB3 bsol 5kc (with guide amu+2 perf bsm) 2x Triadic+1 3kc Elf Xmas Shield+24 1.5kc (All PS spec)   Full with discount = 50kc   SELL ITEMS AFTER SELL CHAR NAKED