Spiritual Manacle

Binds the target's soul with sorcery that results in a stun of the target


Required Level: 23

Required Items: Phantoms

Type: Attack

Classification: Active

Elemental Type: Organic


Level Stun Chance Stun Duration (PvE) Stun Duration (PvP) Cooldown (sec) (PvE) Cooldown (sec) (PvP) MP Usage SP Usage Upgrade Fee (gp)
1 55 4 3 5.5 14.5 125 54 5,000
2 57 4 3 5.25 14.25 127 56 6,200
3 58 4 3 50 140 129 58 7,400
4 59 4 3 4.75 13.75 132 60 8,600
5 60 5 4 4.5 13.5 135 62 9,800
6 61 5 4 4 13 138 64 11,000
7 62 5 4 3.75 12.75 142 66 12,200
8 63 5 4 3.5 12.5 146 68 13,400
9 64 5 4 3.25 12.25 150 70 14,600
10 65 6 5 3 12 155 72 15,800