Version 5365

Damage Modifier 1v1 0.2
Damage Modifier AoE 0.15
Battle EXP Enabled

Siege War
Time and Day Sunday 16:00
Damage Modifier AoE 0.6
Score Modifier PvE 1v1 0.1
Score Modifier PvE AoE 0.02
Score Modifier PvP 1v1 0.1
Score Modifier PvP AoE 0.01
Clan Join Delay 170 hours (does not apply to defending clan) (does not apply on successful defend)
Attacker Crowns Disabled
HP Modifiers:
Castle Door 1
Crystals 0.9
Valhalla Tower 0.9
Guards 2
Battle EXP Enabled (0.5x)

Bless Castle
Tax Rate 10%
Skill Clan Join Delay 168 hours
Require Restoration Yes
Siege War Attackers No
Siege War Defenders Yes

Entrance Fee Multiplier 2500x
Entrance Minimum Level 25
Tax Rate 30%
Clan Tax Rate 5%
Score Modifier 0.05

Clan Join Delay 4 hours