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Market Section Etiquette

The forums are a place where people can interact and have discussions about different topics. We ask that you follow these guidelines to ensure that the forums have some productive conversation. These rules and guidelines are enforced by administrators and moderators, and at their discretion they may delete posts without warning that do not comply. Also, failure to comply with these rules or our Terms of Service may result in a ban from the forums.


  • This is an English website, all forum posts must be written in English in exception for the specific language boards -- Any thread topics or replies written in a language other than English may be removed without notice. This is mainly because we cannot moderate languages we do not understand.

  • No "flaming" or "badgering" -- writing hostile or insulting messages aimed at other users for their views, comments, status as a user on the site, or any other reason. You can disagree with someone's views and still be polite about it.

  • No "trolling" -- posting controversial (sometimes off-topic) messages with the intent of baiting other users to reply.

  • No "spamming" -- No advertisements, or referral links to other services. We also classify "spam" as short replies (usually fewer than 7 words) which do not contribute to a forum thread in a positive manner. Some forum threads expect short messages, but otherwise short messages are highly discouraged. Do not post for the sake of forum post count. Your posts will be removed if we see you posting unhelpful or non-contributing messages in our forum. For that, use the Garden of Freedom board.

  • No discussions of software piracy, hacking, illegal material. -- Linking to these activities will not be tolerated and will result in a permanent ban in the forum.

  • Do not post material that is hateful or mean towards race, religion, sex, or any other offensive nature. You can debate religion and politics in the forum, but you can do so WITHOUT being mean or hateful about it.

  • Do not post lewd or offensive content, or links to lewd or offensive content. Keep everything Safe for Work, and remember that underaged people visit our forums.

  • No excessive swearing or language. If you're that angry about something, take a break from the forums for a while, or confront the other user directly instead of in the forums. Also, do not attempt to use any means to bypass our profanity filter, such as misspelling a cuss word, or using punctuation or spaces. We are much more likely to ban users for this behaviour than those who let the profanity filter replace cuss words with *'s instead. Still, excessive swearing can get you in trouble too, so keep it clean.

  • Please do not "hijack" a forum thread by changing its subject. If you want to change the subject, then please start a new topic.

  • Do not complain about getting banned, and do not make another account to circumvent a ban. Do not complain about other users being banned, in the topics of other users. If you would like to request for unban, then please use our support section to do so.

  • Do not complain if a moderator removes a message you posted. We trust our moderators, and if they've removed a message, it was because it did not integrate in our Terms of Service.

  • Do not post any personal information about you or anyone else. We don't want to know your street address. If you want to post a photo of yourself, feel free to do so at your own risk. Remember that this is a public forum and we cannot control who will be able to view your photo if you choose to share it with the community.

  • Do not use excessive caps lock in your posts.

  • Do not copy or plagiarize comments.

  • Do not attempt to sell or purchase any in-game content from other players using real currencies as that is considered a major infraction and will result in a permanent ban in-game & forum without any notice.

  • The staff of the game will never take responsibility for the safety of your account(s). If you choose to share/trade an account, you will be doing it at your own risk. We do have an item in-game called 'Dormant Talisman' which allows you to safely sell/exchange an account without any risk for scam.


If you have any other questions or concerns related to these rules, you may contact a moderator or an administrator. Please be polite!

2,504 topics in this forum

  1. BUY 116 bow ms lvl/1 or 120 bow ms lvl/1

    • 1 reply
  2. B> 120 items fs mix or clean

    • 0 replies
  3. B> shiel 120 ks +20 donate

    • 0 replies
  4. B>KS items

    • 2 replies
  5. B> Itens PS

    • 1 reply
  6. 122 wand any spec

    • 0 replies
  7. B> SW KS 110 +20

    • 3 replies
  8. B> Buy Bracelets 120 As/1

    • 2 replies
  9. B> 120 Armor or 120 Shield MS (BOM or Clean)

    • 0 replies
  10. B> gauntlets 120 ata

    • 0 replies
  11. B> Shild 120 Ks Nice stats with age

    • 0 replies
  12. S> see it ^^

    • 0 replies
  13. Shild 120 ks 20% block

    • 2 replies
  14. Buy set as+ 120 (mokova boots also)

    • 1 reply
  15. B> Items Prs 116 !

    • 0 replies
  16. B> 115-116 Set MGS BBM or Clean

    • 3 replies
  17. b>hammer lvl 120 ms /1 perfect

    • 1 reply
  18. BUY SHIELD 120 KS

    • 0 replies
  19. B> shiel 120 as, ata +20 and staff 120 pris +20

    • 0 replies
  20. B>Ekips MS 124

    • 0 replies
  21. buy or trade

    • 0 replies
  22. B>114-120 items PS go click and see

    • 2 replies
  23. B> Axe 120+20 FS.

    • 0 replies
  24. B> AS 120 BOW +20 donated

    • 0 replies
  25. B> set prs

    • 0 replies
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