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Atalanta - Extreme Rage vs. Lightning Javaline + Soul Sucker

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Hello Guys.


In Proyect Zeus Atalanta it was buffed pretty good, for example:




Absorb 20% HP





Lightning Javaline  now add 50% vs undead and have more Area (150) but have 130% dmg boost.


And now Extreme Rage have +10% dmg boost but -10 Area and don't have damage boost vs. Undead.





So I guess Atalanta is pretty good for DiQ and SL if u use Lightning Javaline.

And Atalanta hit very fast if u use Amazon Rage + buff dmg area.

Atalanta is pretty good for now.


What do you think guys?


(Sorry for my bad english) (=








Edited by haiser
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i have test 10min ago  Lightning javelin have good dame now. so ata is good killer now 


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Considering extreme rage long animation, lightning javeling should be better in all scenarios now. ? 

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kwkwkwkwkw "buffed pretty good" the joke of the week. let's wait to see if this change on Lightning Jave will change anything for atas finding a pt slot... I highly doubt it, buuut...

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
25 minutes ago, thisisrauldo said:

kwkwkwkwkw "buffed pretty good" the joke of the week. let's wait to see if this change on Lightning Jave will change anything for atas finding a pt slot... I highly doubt it, buuut...

LoL, the skill has a good attack speed + good damage + undead vs damage + good area, also, ata already have soul sucker with 10 sec delay w/out T2 feather, good damage + high evade buff to everyone on PT.  what do you guys want? 500% damage boost? Soul sucker with 90% hp drain ?

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18 minutes ago, mukrg said:

So, which one is better aoe? X-Rage or Lightning?


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1 hour ago, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:

LoL, the skill has a good attack speed + good damage + undead vs damage + good area, also, ata already have soul sucker with 10 sec delay w/out T2 feather, good damage + high evade buff to everyone on PT.  what do you guys want? 500% damage boost? Soul sucker with 90% hp drain ?


naah ^^ i wont explain everything again, but lets wait to see if anything will change

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3 hours ago, thisisrauldo said:


naah ^^ i wont explain everything again, but lets wait to see if anything will change

People now complain because in Diq finish Q in 20mins or 22mins... 1-2 years ago 20 mins were the best timeee now people only want 14mins per Quest... Only want class op with big aoe dmg... U sound pathetic trying to deny my arguments.... Players quit becuse people like u say no in Party slot because they are not class op... Before were archer, ks.. Now is mage full mage.


Gm try to balance party quest but people like u complain for all.

Edited by haiser

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23 minutes ago, haiser said:

People now complain because in Diq finish Q in 20mins or 22mins... 1-2 years ago 20 mins were the best timeee now people only want 14mins per Quest... Only want class op with big aoe dmg... U sound pathetic trying to deny my arguments.... Players quit becuse people like u say no in Party slot because they are not class op... Before were archer, ks.. Now is mage full mage.


Gm try to balance party quest but people like u complain for all.


im not trying to deny anything kwkwkwk  (the buff on SSucker was from 15% to 50% to 20%, and X-Rage wasnt even touched) I just think that only the change on Lightning Jave isnt enought, there are more skills that need to be changed too, like soul sucker AoE range and etc. And for what you're saying about OP classes and stuff u know ata isnt one of them, right? buuut sorry for not agreeing let's wait how this LJave change will afect the class, hope I'm wrong ^^ and if you wanna know more about some changes I think that are worthy for ata lemme know (◠◡◠❀)

Edited by thisisrauldo
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On 12/14/2018 at 10:36 AM, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:

LoL, the skill has a good attack speed + good damage + undead vs damage + good area, also, ata already have soul sucker with 10 sec delay w/out T2 feather, good damage + high evade buff to everyone on PT.  what do you guys want? 500% damage boost? Soul sucker with 90% hp drain ?

Thank you for saying it, its never enough for them u__u

LJavelin has a fast animation that works with extra speed, I'd not be surprised if its nerfed in a month

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Lightning Javelin is weaker than Extreme Rage, but it is surely much stronger if there is a mage casting Watornado.

The reason why Light Javeling is weaker under normal circunstances are simple: It deals lightning damage. Monsters has lightning damage resistances. So, a 100% damage skill typeless will ALWAYS deal more damage than a 100% damage skill with element.

Hunt maps (including DIQ and SL) usually got higher elemental resistances than Exp Maps.


This is why Brandish still outperforms Lightning Sword under normal circustances. Brandish deals 250 dmg on some mobs on DIQ, where LS deals 180, with higher damage factor (160% vs 140%). LS hits twice but the effort isnt worth (potting stm before and after, this stops the DPS, togheter with the wind up and unwind animations)

Edited by DarkLink64

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3 minutes ago, kenibok said:

Thank you for saying it, its never enough for them u__u

LJavelin has a fast animation that works with extra speed, I'd not be surprised if its nerfed in a month


well, I don't think it's enough, considering expressive drop on the lvl of the top 50 atalantas after the black friday/z-project and how many atas there are active in game. If ata is so good that doesnt need improvements, well, shouldnt be more people playing it? Sometimes SSucker isnt a option to use, if you're in the hs of SL, for example, due to its low range (you'll probably get killed before u even get close to the mobs), her stun is the same thing, with even lower range than SSucker... btw I posted those and some more in the Changelog a few weeks ago, but it seems like the Staff only reads new topics, so my plan to reuse one already made topic failed miserably ? 



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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
13 minutes ago, DarkLink64 said:

Lightning Javelin is weaker than Extreme Rage, but it is surely much stronger if there is a mage casting Watornado.

The reason why Light Javeling is weaker under normal circunstances are simple: It deals lightning damage. Monsters has lightning damage resistances. So, a 100% damage skill typeless will ALWAYS deal more damage than a 100% damage skill with element.

Hunt maps (including DIQ and SL) usually got higher elemental resistances than Exp Maps.


This is why Brandish still outperforms Lightning Sword under normal circustances. Brandish deals 250 dmg on some mobs on DIQ, where LS deals 180, with higher damage factor (160% vs 140%). LS hits twice but the effort isnt worth (potting stm before and after, this stops the DPS, togheter with the wind up and unwind animations)

But are you sure all mobs have lightning resistance? I mean, i have a priest and ice meteorite does change according to some monsters resistance.

Some ice element based mobs (like ice queen R6 SOD) have a quite high ice res, so ice meteorite deals around -15%~20% less damage, but, there are many mobs that are weak against ice as well, like fury, elite soldier,crios,all iron core mobs... and it's a increasement of 15%~20% too. Also, most of mobs have a "neutral" resistance against ice, so, maybe the same goes to lightning element.

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Oops, I wrote on the wrong topic sorry

Edited by Luca

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