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why is everything timed?!

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Even when you open the gifts... you only have 90 days to use what you get?!  thats kind of upsetting.  especially when you can only play two days a week.  it takes me forever to use a 3 hour play item.  like i just got a pheonix egg yay but i already have one on and it still has 18 hours left on it and i dont even know if ill get through 18 hours of game play before the 90 days one expires.  so now we are forced to try and sell every gift instead of being able to use it ourselves before the time runs out.  i know these are free gifts but it makes me almost not want to even care about this event.  and it was my favorite.  im so sad.

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same here, 

was looking to play this event. Now that's that. I feel you. don't really want to play anymore of the event.  It is alright. I guess

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I think it's to save the economy / market ??

Pple are still selling gifts from last X-mas…..


Merry X-mas to every1!

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Its good so you will have either to use it or to sell it in the close period of time, and wont save them, so their price is chrap ( its good for those who are gonna use them, so they will get their items upgraded, and enjoy a merry xmas) 

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Events are designed for everyone to enjoy it while it is active hence ability to stock them isn't right as such we have decided to put the timer on. However, we did give it 93 days which is long enough for people to use or sell it.

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I understand it being to help the economy from crashing.  but i would rather have them be not trade able / sell able than timer.  cause i got two rudolph caravans which is amazing but there is absolutely no way ill be able to have 100+ playable hours with the first one in the next 90 days before i can use the second one.  i mean i guess i will just use the first one as much as i can and then open the second one right before it expires to get as much as i can out of them but it would have been nice to use them fully.  thankfully i have something to use the 40% age stone on but i dont have anything to use the 20% on.  But I only need one 100% aging, got two... and i cant age my staff anymore because my level isn't high enough and theres no way ill get to the next level in 90 days.  i just dont have that amount of time in real life to play. so i wont really get to enjoy them.  i get why you did it, its just depressing.

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Nah bro, they are sellable just for this reason, so other players can get them for cheap :)

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6 hours ago, TigerShark22 said:

Nah bro, they are sellable just for this reason, so other players can get them for cheap ?


The whole point of doing the event was so that I could get the age stones that I am eventually going to need for cheap but now they'll expire before I even get to use them.  So instead, the people who are able to use them now are getting them for cheap and ill have to pay full price for them later.  It means people get to be super lazy and just buy them cheap from the players who actually spend the time hunting for them.  The players who spend the time hunting for them get ripped off basically.

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2 minutes ago, jcompher said:


The whole point of doing the event was so that I could get the age stones that I am eventually going to need for cheap but now they'll expire before I even get to use them.  So instead, the people who are able to use them now are getting them for cheap and ill have to pay full price for them later.  It means people get to be super lazy and just buy them cheap from the players who actually spend the time hunting for them.  The players who spend the time hunting for them get ripped off basically.


You get payed a nice amount, I agree not a full one, but if u are going to need them over 3 monthes from now, you aren't exactly close to ur goal. Also,. U can get money now, for items u need now, and save it for later. The idea of an event is to have good time now, you also get money you wouldnt have gotten without it, so it helps everyone. Merry xmas!

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thats a nice improvement in game i hope all next events come with timer so we dont see mules with thousand of items after a lot of months in market

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3 minutes ago, mcslug2 said:

thats a nice improvement in game i hope all next events come with timer so we dont see mules with thousand of items after a lot of months in market




15 hours ago, Wartale said:

Events are designed for everyone to enjoy it while it is active hence ability to stock them isn't right as such we have decided to put the timer on. However, we did give it 93 days which is long enough for people to use or sell it.




sincerely in my opinion event items must only last while event is active. 

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8 minutes ago, TigerShark22 said:


You get payed a nice amount, I agree not a full one, but if u are going to need them over 3 monthes from now, you aren't exactly close to ur goal. Also,. U can get money now, for items u need now, and save it for later. The idea of an event is to have good time now, you also get money you wouldnt have gotten without it, so it helps everyone. Merry xmas!


Yes Merry Christmas.  You're basically telling people its OK to not work hard and you'll get things cheap.  And if you work hard, you'll get your retirement fund taken away because you can't keep the items you worked hard to find.  You get to sell them for cheap and lose income in the long run because by the time you need them you'll be paying full price again.  Its good for the game makers.  they make more money in the long run this way.  its bad for the players.  if this was the real world... it would be a bad situation.  since its a game, its just sad. oh well. i'll try to get what i can from what i have right now and go back to the regularly scheduled program.

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35 minutes ago, jcompher said:


Yes Merry Christmas.  You're basically telling people its OK to not work hard and you'll get things cheap.  And if you work hard, you'll get your retirement fund taken away because you can't keep the items you worked hard to find.  You get to sell them for cheap and lose income in the long run because by the time you need them you'll be paying full price again.  Its good for the game makers.  they make more money in the long run this way.  its bad for the players.  if this was the real world... it would be a bad situation.  since its a game, its just sad. oh well. i'll try to get what i can from what i have right now and go back to the regularly scheduled program.


Bro, its a game first. 


2nd, I meant , if there was no event at all , you wouldnt make anything. Compared to normal income, this 1 has good money, and it let people enjoy the game for xmas, which is why its xmas event, not: " become rich" event.



Also- "save more than 3 monthes away from now" - why not, I can say:" Im 133, wanna save stones which Ill use to age my 138 -140 items to +22". 

Thats an unrealistic statement. Its an event which you enjoy now/later, you make a high amount of gold, just not a life fortune, players get to age their items/exp/hunt etc, thats the event :)


ofc, you can age ur items now even as a low lvl, and use saphia, but wait, if those are items you cant afford right now, its a bit cocky to say:" you wanna age them over 3 monthes away". Just get the gold u need for now+the close lvls, noone can actually afford the best gears at low lvl , getting the gold needed in time ( ofc, that, but according to your talk, you just want to increase theor value to get more gold later, which isn't the purpose of the event, which is nice gold now, and nice time to get ur char upgraded for xmas , to have fun at xmas).

Edited by TigerShark22
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2 minutes ago, jcompher said:


Yes Merry Christmas.  You're basically telling people its OK to not work hard and you'll get things cheap.  And if you work hard, you'll get your retirement fund taken away because you can't keep the items you worked hard to find.  You get to sell them for cheap and lose income in the long run because by the time you need them you'll be paying full price again.  Its good for the game makers.  they make more money in the long run this way.  its bad for the players.  if this was the real world... it would be a bad situation.  since its a game, its just sad. oh well. i'll try to get what i can from what i have right now and go back to the regularly scheduled program.

I agree. You can't exactly save them for something you need later. 


+1 Game makers

-1 Players. 


Then again,  it forces people to sell things more cheaply, so everyone can afford it better with limited funds.. 

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Several of the rewards from Christmas Boxes are coin exclusive items. 

The admins will lose a substantial amount of donation if there were no time limit and players can just easily stock them up with multiple accounts like they're doing now and the server will be closed in a matter of months due to the lack of funds.


Wartale team is literally giving players a large part of their next 3 months' donations as Christmas gifts in this event, and you guys are still complaining?

Edited by thanhame

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I didn't like it at first but I thought for abit, If you really want the un timed version, sell the timed and buy the un timed version. You might pay a little more but its almost the same thing. I agree with the items being timed.

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9 hours ago, mcslug2 said:

thats a nice improvement in game i hope all next events come with timer so we dont see mules with thousand of items after a lot of months in market

They all are now.

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17 hours ago, Wartale said:

They all are now.

What about sheltoms and force events?, because forces for xmas event has timer.

And the event yesterday (sheltoms) and today (forces) are permanent.

Edited by marce2125

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8 hours ago, marce2125 said:

What about sheltoms and force events?, because forces for xmas event has timer.

And the event yesterday (sheltoms) and today (forces) are permanent.

This may sound insane but, how about, you know,..... use the timed force orbs first?

Edited by thanhame

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I'm asking this only to be fair, because if some events gives you forces with timer, is unfair that other events gives forces permanent, same goes for sheltoms, and coin tickets.

My only doubt is what will happen with hopy costume and summers?

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Tampered Knight

Looks like, there will be no more permanent candy canes in the future, except from coin shop.

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