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Is it allowed to hold a spawn?

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I'm facing with a serious issue.

Is it allowed for one player, for example, a Mechanician, that just stand still, using Compulsion and other defensive skills, to hold a spawn? Even if they're answering?

Because I see many Mechanicians "holding" Spawns (mostly on Death Island or Secret Lab), where they say that the Team is comming, but the team takes more than 20, or even, 30 minutes to come. Is it allowed?


Edited by DarkLink64

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" 1 person cannot claim the whole main HS in hunting maps, the spawn will become available to other people after 15 minutes."

Edited by Mrzero

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29 minutes ago, Mrzero said:

" 1 person cannot claim the whole main HS in hunting maps, the spawn will become available to other people after 15 minutes."

That's available to ct3/et2/et1 hunt too?


Even though 1 person can kill and tank the whole HS there?

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"Additionally, 1 person cannot claim the whole main HS in hunting maps, the spawn will become available to other people after 15 minutes." 


This line from rule #7 says that 1 person cannot claim a spawn in hunt maps... Ok, but what the requirements? this 1 person needs to be answering but not attacking mobs, so we can take the hs? he need to be afk?


From my understading, people can't hold a HS for 15 minutes or greater, even if they are answering, but no using it. So, this would be a anti-game behavior. 

However, is better to know the staff's understading.


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8 hours ago, Wartale said:

Read it, but about CT3/ET1/ET2, can a person own the HS if they can tank and kill there themself alone? ( AOE+tank)


Many people are doing it to hunt gold, and they actually use the HS, dont just hold it, so is it ok to hold those HSs as a high lvl whos hunting?

Edited by TigerShark22

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