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Quitting until HG is fixed

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Title says it all and we know the reason why. Go to HG and -Thor- has 4234324 kelvazu crystals opened up. I Lag for 5 seconds and die. Not sure why that guy even still plays the game when there are constant reports and I can clearly see him harassing people in game.

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bla bla bla, ofc ill play Game free for All not for you only, lol when grow up? hsahashsahas

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3 hours ago, fahed said:

1 quit , 10 inter , simple 

I'm pretty sure you have made more than your fair share of people quit this game. You are a poison to the community.

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6 minutes ago, indugo said:

I'm pretty sure you have made more than your fair share of people quit this game. You are a poison to the community.

Brother,  don't feed trolls like this stupid lonely kid who just want some attention XD

Play your game, ignore him and hope gm change crystals in hg.

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Best thing you'll ever do. There is no reason for you to waste time in this useless game.

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55 minutes ago, indugo said:

I'm pretty sure you have made more than your fair share of people quit this game. You are a poison to the community.


47 minutes ago, NeoHiei said:


Brother,  don't feed trolls like this stupid lonely kid who just want some attention XD

Play your game, ignore him and hope gm change crystals in hg.


45 minutes ago, Sigma said:

Best thing you'll ever do. There is no reason for you to waste time in this useless game.


gogo watch this Song and join it, and stop Cry lol 



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