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First time shaman, no idea what to skill

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Good on low tights put a little HP. All skills here put lvl 1 until you reach Phantom Call. PH to kill in area.

Skills lvl 10 in sequence : 


(T1-T3 Sequence)

Rainmaker (very important)

Phantom Call (very important)

Advent Migal (very important)

Inner Peace (PVP - Mobs 1v1 )

Scratch (PVP - Mobs 1v1 )


(T4 Sequence)

Advent Midranda (very important)

Mourning Pray


(T5 Sequence)

Press Deity (very important)

Phantom Nail

Occult Life



SS was already very strong, at the moment MG is stronger.
Good game.

Edited by Palhacitos

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Alright thanks a lot my man! Ive been playing prs/mage so many times, its time for a new magic user ?

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Another question: when do i use miranda, and when do i use migal? 
Also, inner peace gives permanent mana, so im not sure what you mean with "PVP - Mobs 1v1"

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
17 minutes ago, Sheepco said:

Another question: when do i use miranda, and when do i use migal? 
Also, inner peace gives permanent mana, so im not sure what you mean with "PVP - Mobs 1v1"

I think he meant inertia.


Midranda stacks with 50% of migal damage

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@Palhacitos Your build seems interesting. As far as I know Press Deity has a fairly long cooldown, so I assume you use a spell rotation for AOE with Phantom Call, Mourning Pray and Press Deity? I was under the impression Shamans were supposed to spam Phantom Nail for AOE. What do you think?

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1 hour ago, rafaelmpaulino said:

@Palhacitos Your build seems interesting. As far as I know Press Deity has a fairly long cooldown, so I assume you use a spell rotation for AOE with Phantom Call, Mourning Pray and Press Deity? I was under the impression Shamans were supposed to spam Phantom Nail for AOE. What do you think?

After Press Deity change. 

I see that it's more important to start with Phantom Nail and then go to Press Deity. 


(T1-T3 Sequence)

Rainmaker (very important)

Phantom Call (very important)MELEE

Advent Migal (very important)

Inner Peace (PVP - Mobs 1v1 )

Scratch (PVP - Mobs 1v1 )


(T4 Sequence)

Advent Midranda (very important)

Mourning Pray


(T5 Sequence)

Press Deity

Phantom Nail (very important)RANGER

Occult Life



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On 2/21/2019 at 1:52 PM, Palhacitos said:

SS was already very strong, at the moment MG is stronger.
Good game.


Are you saying Shaman is strong but Magician is stronger in the current meta?

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2 minutes ago, itsrexrighthere said:


Are you saying Shaman is strong but Magician is stronger in the current meta?

Yes, without a doubt the SS remains the most balanced class in the game.
both in Atk and Def, PvP and PvE

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I still dont know much about the game and pretty much a beginner. Do you have a equipment/gears/item list for Shaman build?

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