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All VietNam accounts are banned and deleted [Full IP VN ban]

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Give it a break, this is not nice. To get at this point things went pretty far


Few sorry to few people getting punished for nothing. But most of them deserve that pretty bad, oh yea

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Hey! GZZZZ to finish all hackers... this is a great example for what will happen with new hackers ... ban and deleted!

But i think that have to much good players there in vietnam...

Maybe GM will recover your vietnam acc after all this... (only char naked) GM don't said at homepage BAN FOREVER....


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Is that prevent hacking.

I think that is not a good idea, GM !

Hacker easily fake IP, and still hacking, but we (not hack) can't play our game !!

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The game isn't yours


If IP ban happened it's because things went too far


Hacker easily fake IP, staff easily ban them when they find



Server protection and hacking control are admin business, mind your own~

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yes i think. That's a good idea for player vn ! only hacker is destroy RPT , but we're incoment .. We need to fare  , don't block  all IP of VN ! plzzzzzzzzz  Rethinking GM plzz

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The game isn't yours


If IP ban happened it's because things went too far


Hacker easily fake IP, staff easily ban them when they find



Server protection and hacking control are admin business, mind your own~


The world is fair. Why is not my game. Lolz

I'm not hacker and not hacking, too.

Prevent hacking, not prevent playing.


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This is sad, it's not funny at all. But it was needed for the greater good.



The world is fair.


The world is fair? I think you've been playing too much games and forgot how the world really is.

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This is sad, it's not funny at all. But it was needed for the greater good.



The world is fair.


The world is fair? I think you've been playing too much games and forgot how the world really is.




At least, That is the best thing we can belive.

Why don't we make it more fairly :))

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We will lose many good fair vn players :( my friend and clannies

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i see Gogg , he doesn't like Vietnamese , Why don't agree with us ??? The Word is fair, we're playing game is good , not using hack , no auto - play ! Reading the rule ofwtbefore played game << do it's not fair to us plz


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A lot of viets have been told over and over again... whatever you're doing, stop. You may have been getting away with it up until now but it will come back to haunt you... never listen... temp bans never help them figure out that maybe you should rethink your current playinv strategy... but no.


Now a lot of innocents have to pay for the lame abusers and cheaters that really thought through "rationalizations" they could try to bullshit everybody...


Now what options did Wartale really have here? Keep deleting/banning accounts that were the cheaters? Listen to a million stories explaining innocence? Waiting for the next uber cheat? Maybe for now this is all he could really do... and its not a witch hunt or personal against viets.... if everybody complained 24/7 about brs or pinoys or those damn canadiens then that's the country that would get banned

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Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide

You got to kill to stay alive

Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide

You got to kill to stay alive


Show them no fear, show them no pain

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A lot of viets have been told over and over again... whatever you're doing, stop. You may have been getting away with it up until now but it will come back to haunt you... never listen... temp bans never help them figure out that maybe you should rethink your current playinv strategy... but no.


Now a lot of innocents have to pay for the lame abusers and cheaters that really thought through "rationalizations" they could try to bullshit everybody...


Now what options did Wartale really have here? Keep deleting/banning accounts that were the cheaters? Listen to a million stories explaining innocence? Waiting for the next uber cheat? Maybe for now this is all he could really do... and its not a witch hunt or personal against viets.... if everybody complained 24/7 about brs or pinoys or those damn canadiens then that's the country that would get banned

you explained it pretty well  ;)


Closed to avoid conflicts

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