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Buff up ata

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well l created an ata and its current 126 and here are my thoughts before l redistribute again:

because l builded it up for hunting but the skills that l leveled up to 10: twist/fire/lightning javelin just won't harm more than Xtreme rage so useless

these three skills should be able to do more damage to the respective monsters types and of couse it won't be applied to pvp

frost javelin: only freeze mobs with standard attack? really?!

amazon rage too much cooldown it could be nerfed to +2atk speed just to get 300sec duration or standard cooldown

farina and bigger spear like l said a bonus damage to monster types but both are useless

ata could be a very competitive hunting character 


Edited by GIXXER

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This class in wartale is really left behind. Imagine gearing a 14x full and rare items account but the equivalent Def and attack is 12x??. How is that?.. Com'n lets admit it, GM's did not take care since then, I saw a lot of reviews a year ago about this character but until now it is not fixed.

It is very funny to hear NERF SS because there were some discrepancy with other class, but in game, they laughed at this class we have (ata) because of how it is being "broken" in terms of defense, attacks and skills, given the fact that prs and mage were levelled to do a fair PVE, ata dont have the same privilege.

We wear armor and shield, and yet those items seemed to be just like ''skins'' as it have minimal effect on defense to against these magic based character. If we are to talk for fairness, regulate and check this class so atalanta users will have the same drive and excitement of using the character that other players are experiencing.

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