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what is my problem???????

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oh i see how u built hate... between rpt player and VN


i saw char in game

u from clan conspiracy and BR player

u know VN hate u

u try pm to buy from he/she(VN) although know probability he/she say "NO"l


when he/she don't sell item to u

u come to post board



show? VN player not sell item to english language player and dont use english language in game


but the true are VN player not sell item to his/her enemy (in game)

it a easy possiple and all can do it ,not only VN do...


or i am wrong??..

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it not matter br clan or not


but conspiracy kill VN and VN kill conspiracy..

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oh i see how u built hate... between rpt player and VN


i saw char in game

u from clan conspiracy and BR player

u know VN hate u

u try pm to buy from he/she(VN) although know probability he/she say "NO"l


when he/she don't sell item to u

u come to post board



show? VN player not sell item to english language player and dont use english language in game


but the true are VN player not sell item to his/her enemy (in game)

it a easy possiple and all can do it ,not only VN do...


or i am wrong??..


I believe there are other ways of saying "no" to a person you don't like, instead of picking on his language.

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Maybe the other players dont know as speak english and that cuz he said "No thank"


I dont saw that like a racism

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well, we've some vn players also on CP


yeah, theres a racism which everybody know, but it's ending imo

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Yesterday I was in ric.. reading global chat and I saw:

"BabyKuty: (don't remember the nickname...) S> 2 vrings donate ps pm me."


So, I pm him and again the player answer in vietnam language. I said to him:

_"I only speak in english or portuguese." He said to me:

_"No thanks."


Only because I don't speak vietnam language him don't sell me the v-ring. Why? maybe this idxxt was trying to sell item in real money or he is more one racist.


looking in differrent way


maybe he/she weak and fear to speak english..

maybe he/she in a hate (some VN hate BR like some BR hate VN)


i am not sure u and VN player are enemy in game before?

i suggest u

next time say "Speak english please" or "Please speak english"

and try to use simple and easy english word ^ ^




I say only one thing to you:

-> Is difficult to understand this ask: "How much?"


I never say: speak in english, before ask first: "How much?", but they always answer in Vietnamese language. My problem is not with all vietnam players as you're saying ... is only with these idxxts who are making racism with all the people who do not are from vietnam.

If problem is he speak bad english... only say: "I can't speak english sry." And no: "No thanks".

I am not enemy of a VN player... all days I UP in ad2 with VN in party. But I've been rejected from party by VN, for being a player from Br. (I remind that they said: "no pt for br"... I only answer: "ok").

I don't care if vn don't like of brazilians, but I am sad to lost oportunity to buy nice itens only because I'm not VN player.

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he/she will sell it to me

if my offer enough


VN not sell only VN

and not pt only VN party

and not use english for sell whom he/she know not VN


i know because i am not VN and not BR too


Is it a point? for post on board like make hate to VN player

with u reason "1-2 VN dont sell item to me"

while yr clan in a blacklist for many VN player(am i said not all VN)


like he/she not pt with u(maybe bcoz yr clan name)

he/she not sell item for u too

it 's easy for understanding


and am i still said not all VN do

but u try to built or said all VN do

it differrent about thinking from u and me



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one thing i need to tell u is


it not u wrong or u problem

and it not VN player wrong N problem too


it only effect from 

a group of player use nationlity to make friend or not

use VN ,BR to call to specific player and justice them before


like the hate people in the past - with Black or White(skin)

:'( :'(


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Qman +10

Not about english bad or well, this is coldwar betwen Vn and Br(not at all)


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Okay, so how about me (and everyone else who is not from Brazil or Vietnam) then? I still get treated like a leper by both. I'm certainly not in an enemy clan, and the only time I've been rude to anyone that I can remember was when I told a guy he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed when he requested a party repeatedly after I said no because I was doing a quest. Given that he also summoned up a horde of crystal monsters and basically stole the spawn I was at, I'm not sure that comment qualifies as a reason to be blacklisted. Especially not since I doubt he even understood what I said...

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Okay, so how about me (and everyone else who is not from Brazil or Vietnam) then? I still get treated like a leper by both. I'm certainly not in an enemy clan, and the only time I've been rude to anyone that I can remember was when I told a guy he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed when he requested a party repeatedly after I said no because I was doing a quest. Given that he also summoned up a horde of crystal monsters and basically stole the spawn I was at, I'm not sure that comment qualifies as a reason to be blacklisted. Especially not since I doubt he even understood what I said...


I don't think it's because of any animosity, they just cannot understand English, and we cannot understand them that's all. Frustrating as it is, we just have to deal with the fact that a good portion (possibly majority) of this game is unable of speaking/understanding English.

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And lol Lucone~, dont be a bad loser ;)


+100 Mercury :P




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There's a difference between not being able to speak English and behaving like an idiot. No hablo ingles only goes so far as an excuse. I refuse to believe that in the modern age, anyone with access to the Internet is unable to understand basic English, such as "yes" and "no". It's not like I'm asking anyone to debate philosophy with me. Besides, you don't really need all that much English to be able to communicate what you need, as evidenced by the fact that what is used is barely English to begin with. In a party or when negotiating prices, for the most part you'll be able to make do with names and numbers, and language is relevant to neither.

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story of rPT:


racist VNs vs racist BRs


got that right :)


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