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Hackers in SOD

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There has been a lot of hacking going on recently in SOD. I suggest GM taking some time to investigate this. This is not fun for us with all these hackers. These hackers kill bosses instantly the minute the round starts, and im not talking about lower rounds. It is even impossible for a group of high lv players let alone these low lv hackers. Thank you for reading.

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I think they should take a look at these players:


- Radar (112 mage with epic score)

- llBimBimll (115 prs with epic score)

- truonghd (this character was in the same clan as those other 2 characters I mentioned, just check it out)


2 of them are clanless now. And the prs joined a new clan.

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I calculated here, if this 2 guys go to like 10 SOD's a day, they should make at least 20kk/SOD, then would give a total of at least 200kk per day. So, long history short, they are making billions of gold with this hacking.

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bump for this~

ban the haxz0rz




They can take a whole SOD clan.

Prs and Mgs agains Sod clan and even so they win, too much weird

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mg radar lv 124. i think he can get this score. but pri BimBim, i dont think she can get point of sod is 11kk more than a mg

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mg radar lv 124. i think he can get this score. but pri BimBim, i dont think she can get point of sod is 11kk more than a mg



4 Radar 112 10822452 588 4/17/2011 12:21:43 PM

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bimbim and radar sure hack,they beat us in SOD yesterday we have 130+ 10members.were all liked WTF! and  theyre only 112 and 115

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I always thought that prs was bs, even with aid. 115 is getting into more endgame gear so its not as shocking, but shes been doing this since 109 where by the maximum gear set possible for that level alone should guarantee you're too weak for such scores.


Also prs is a horrible class for many strong mobs, CL is a pretty weak AoE and it is also limited by targets. Extinction is the only saving grace in later rounds.

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no sure if they are hackers.

but pls dont forget one thing, the SOD is not a solo SOD.

with friends help, i dont think that is impossble for a mage lv112 to get 10822452.

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no sure if they are hackers.

but pls dont forget one thing, the SOD is not a solo SOD.

with friends help, i dont think that is impossble for a mage lv112 to get 10822452.


I don't think anyone is saying for sure that they're hackers, just saying that their scores are very suspicious and dubious. That's all.

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no sure if they are hackers.

but pls dont forget one thing, the SOD is not a solo SOD.

with friends help, i dont think that is impossble for a mage lv112 to get 10822452.


and what about that prs +mgs  win against Clan Conspiracy room full 13x ?

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I'd say that's pretty damn suspicious if you ask me...


I have noticed some noobs kicking ass in SoD... pretty damn lame too... something will be done though, if we're not stupid... then neither are the GM's... I suspect they might have noticed this too (I hope)

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impossible to achieve tat score unless 2 ways ...



1. hack

2. someone tank n kill to 99% of hp for them to kill LMAO

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impossible to achieve tat score unless 2 ways ...



1. hack

2. someone tank n kill to 99% of hp for them to kill LMAO


iF it was hack they would of been banned  by now


so it's not hack then it's not that hard to ask someone to help you get a good score in SOD

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iF it was hack they would of been banned  by now


so it's not hack then it's not that hard to ask someone to help you get a good score in SOD


GMs are not Gods. Their anti hack system can't detect every hack software.


If that is easy to ask "someone" to help you get a good score in SOD, then why don't you try it?

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iF it was hack they would of been banned  by now


so it's not hack then it's not that hard to ask someone to help you get a good score in SOD


GMs are not Gods. Their anti hack system can't detect every hack software.


If that is easy to ask "someone" to help you get a good score in SOD, then why don't you try it?

if u have pri or mg best item at that lv. Can get a score like this? don't say try. try by yourself first and after that ask some one else

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No one helps them, when they kicked Conspiracy out at Round 6, they were duo at sod, Radar and llBimBimll, and each of them had more than 10kk points.

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No one helps them, when they kicked Conspiracy out at Round 6, they were duo at sod, Radar and llBimBimll, and each of them had more than 10kk points.

hackers, end of story.

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No one helps them, when they kicked Conspiracy out at Round 6, they were duo at sod, Radar and llBimBimll, and each of them had more than 10kk points.


you mean after round 6, each of them have more than 10kk points?

i am sure they didnt. they got the socore in different turn, right?


dont always doubt others are hackers only because they can do something but you cant.


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No one helps them, when they kicked Conspiracy out at Round 6, they were duo at sod, Radar and llBimBimll, and each of them had more than 10kk points.


you mean after round 6, each of them have more than 10kk points?

i am sure they didnt. they got the socore in different turn, right?


dont always doubt others are hackers only because they can do something but you cant.


dont protect them they hack.

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Shooot i sure wish i could get 10kk at the end of round 6 god that would be great gold :)

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