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Want an ANSWER from GM personally.

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Dear GMs,


I was wondering why can so many players in Heaven can go online in BC today? I thought many character was IP BAN for NOW? About 40 of them are there.


I am not trying to sabotage anyone but it is just NOT F FAIR for my clannies in JF who is also VN which is IP BAN for which they cant play. Something wrong here? Ifwtknew that we cant survive without VN nice players, then be fair to all of them, UNBAN them rather than only UNBAN those who bringing benefit towt(just assuming).

Please Justify on this to at least many can understand WHY.


Thanks ^^ I miss my VN Clannies

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NOT ALL IPs banned

... just some ips was banned

- some member live in outsite vietnam (wter, tyr4nt,mario,chula,weak,continue,bskr,arieswar,minjee,kien03-vn,sexita.- ...and more)

- most still can login and play normaly



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imo, this crown should be removed from heaven, then give it to JustFriends or Heretics


bskr arent on heaven

kien03-vn/sexita wasnt there

tyrant/winter just on pvp

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Wow. You sure got 100% wrong facts :)

We banned a lot of IP Ranges from vietnam (Impossible to ban every IP).


With that said the players from Heaven are probably using VPNs or Proxies to connect to rPT.

That is nothing we can stop.


A PM wouldve sufficed.



Oh and most of those you said Lazy have nothing to do with vietnam. Eg BsKr is from spain.



And lol Lucone~, dont be a bad loser ;)

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