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Is Right solusion 4 VietNam?

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Wow. You sure got 100% wrong facts

We banned a lot of IP Ranges from vietnam (Impossible to ban every IP).

With that said the players from Heaven are probably using VPNs or Proxies to connect to rPT.

That is nothing we can stop.

A PM wouldve sufficed.

Oh and most of those you said Lazy have nothing to do with vietnam. Eg BsKr is from spain.

And lol Lucone~, dont be a bad loser


Hacker is easy bypass by use VPN & proxy. Normal player can't do that

Because hackers are good IT knowledge, rather than players

This meanwtbanned players.

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Yes it does.

We have written that a number of times on this forum.

Thats why I said we ban VPNs and Proxies too.


We mainly ban those cafes where the hackers were playing.

Thats why whole vietnam aint banned yet.

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Would it be better or advisable to do the fofllowing?:


1. Ban all VPNs

2. Ban any char that is found hacking for good.



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Would it be better or advisable to do the fofllowing?:


1. Ban all VPNs

2. Ban any char that is found hacking for good.




1 = Impossible

2 = Already done :o

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Would it be better or advisable to do the fofllowing?:


1. Ban all VPNs

2. Ban any char that is found hacking for good.




1 = Impossible

2 = Already done :o


Hi Mercury,

I have a question for you.

You decide VN ip banned because hackers make the game unfair or make the game lag?


I think the smart choices would be:

First case: You should bock by char that using hack tool

Second case: because your event



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Guys, would you lay off him a bit?


Mass hacking is a pain on itself, trying to find  a right solution for it is even more of a pain. It's too bad that players who would have nothing to do with are victimized by measures, but the hackers are to blame. It's to persevere the server, no solution will ever be 100% fair to everybody, but if it's 98% fair it should be good enough.

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Sometimes i think those hackers should be educated again like a kid. This is a private server and is not the No.1 MMORPG in the world, why bother to hack. The hacking jst making the rest of your own countryman suffer.


Best way is VN plauers talk to those hackers.

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what about many acc not did anythings wrong banned too ? many people like me not had a PC  ^^ So what about us ?

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Remember that Wartale said the block is temporary and when the problem is solved, the IPs will be unbanned. I'm sorry for those who're innoccent and got banned as well, but like I tried to say, no solution is 100% fair for everbody. It just can't be helped, I'm afraid. When the staff of realmpt is driven to a point where they have to take drastic measures, so be it, but they will never do it without good reason.


For instance, you can pm mercury stating your personal problem concerning this and ask how you could solve that.

But complaining and biatching in public topics, one after the other, will never solve this, and we all know that. All that comes from it is that the ones opening the topics pretty much make fools of themselves, which is too bad and unneccessary.

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Would it be better or advisable to do the fofllowing?:


1. Ban all VPNs

2. Ban any char that is found hacking for good.




1 = Impossible

2 = Already done :o


Hi Mercury,

I have a question for you.

You decide VN ip banned because hackers make the game unfair or make the game lag?


I think the smart choices would be:

First case: You should bock by char that using hack tool

Second case: because your event




They decided to ban a certain range of IPs in vietnam cuz a huge portion of hacking was traced back to the IP range. VPN and VN IP are different things, in case you got that confused. Also, they already blocked accounts who use hacks, perhaps you were too lazy to read through the replies. And of course, its really difficult to create a new account on rpt to use the same hack again.


They had to ban the particular range of IP adds cuz it was the best way to stop the hacking wave, albeit a drastic one. Creating moree topics like that would only distract them further and delay the solution of the problem.

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Helloooooo PRIVATE server is PRIVATE


It's not public!! ^____^


The administration do whatever they think is the best

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For Melocrie and  Gogg

If you like me if you banned with no reason during i'm not cheat what you will think ? GM just Sr about this but they not unband ? ^^ if you like me ????



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I wouldn't be whining on forums all the damn time when I already got replied by the staff that this won't change, what I think or not wouldn't be the point

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^^ yes but it's  very hard to traning and find item to your char . are you not tired ? if i not love PT  love my char so I wouldn't be whining on forums . i'm 12x too . and i know what it's mean to come that lvl . that time it's not a game to me . it's a world to me :D  . Grogg

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That's the point, there is a reason. It may suck for you, and I would find it a hazard, but I'd understand, nonetheless. Be patient, go do something else and keep track of the situation. The more you complain, the less you're taken seriously, the less chance you have of getting what you're after. <-- goes for all social situations.

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Sometimes i think those hackers should be educated again like a kid. This is a private server and is not the No.1 MMORPG in the world, why bother to hack. The hacking jst making the rest of your own countryman suffer.


Best way is VN plauers talk to those hackers.

We have already done it... the fact, We have done it so many times but still no luck.

I personally dont not blame GMs for what they have done.GMs have done  what they think best for this server and sometime their decisions aren't  fair for all.

I will blame hackers firstly and whoever think  all Vnese players are hackers..

I know its a pain when innocent players get banned because of some1  else faults but what we can do now.

Just wish the problems be  resolved soon so innocent players can get back to RPT and having nice time there.





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apparently those who got perm ban after hacking for few times being unbanned .... would it be fair for those players who use hack once but asking for chance and not being given? this just contradicting with the rules and standing that rpt has .... no doubt the last sentence of the rules is "GM makes the final decision" ....

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apparently those who got perm ban after hacking for few times being unbanned .... would it be fair for those players who use hack once but asking for chance and not being given? this just contradicting with the rules and standing that rpt has .... no doubt the last sentence of the rules is "GM makes the final decision" ....


let me know who you want to say that?

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apparently those who got perm ban after hacking for few times being unbanned .... would it be fair for those players who use hack once but asking for chance and not being given? this just contradicting with the rules and standing that rpt has .... no doubt the last sentence of the rules is "GM makes the final decision" ....


let me know who you want to say that?


im talking in general and never pint pointing at anyone ....

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First of all I would share that I do not agree to use hack.

And I want to set up this thread because i don't want unfair treatment among players

What do you think when this happens to you, your friends, your country?

Today GM decisions banned IP Vietnam, tomorrow may be you?

I hope the empathy of the GM and players for a better future


Thank for read.


*My English is not good & I use google translate for this post

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Simple, give us a better solution!


Can you stop hackers while Wartale is developing the anti-hack to block the programs they're using?

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apparently those who got perm ban after hacking for few times being unbanned .... would it be fair for those players who use hack once but asking for chance and not being given? this just contradicting with the rules and standing that rpt has .... no doubt the last sentence of the rules is "GM makes the final decision" ....


let me know who you want to say that?


im talking in general and never pint pointing at anyone ....



Okei, back on topic. Yes this is right solution.

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