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bosstime 3hours/4hours

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Is it Ks if everyone is waiting 3-4hours(6/8hours other boss)
and you go and try to kill it also even they wait there before you ?
is it ks if you come late and they killing boss already like half hp boss then you come along to kill boss is that ks ?

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- Note:

      1. KS rule does not apply to event monsters and boss monsters

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1 hour ago, serrie said:

- Note:

      1. KS rule does not apply to event monsters and boss monsters


We all know its the rule, but it shouldnt be like this, otherwise i  am putting mule on ice1, lost1, fury and then i teleport by UC and then i will be able to kill all of them. Now figure out what some player that was waiting 10min+ would fell if I got the drops?

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If you are a civilized player. When I see someone else standing there waiting, I can switch to another server. Those are civilized players.

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7 hours ago, Tranthaihd123 said:

If you are a civilized player. When I see someone else standing there waiting, I can switch to another server. Those are civilized players.

what if you are sleeping but have to make alarm for boss time , so you wake up in middle of the night just for bosstime even when its 12am 1am 3am 4am

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For the killing of BOSS, I personally like this:
Level 80 V and DG are relatively easy and belong to everyone to kill and drop. Because my ping is very high, I generally won't snatch it with other players.
But for the 100-level + difficult BOSS, I will let my team arrive and wait earlier.
If someone arrives first, I will leave and go to another server to find. Or the player who arrives first, willing to kill with you.
I will not harass the high-level BOSS, because the difficulty is high, the main players pay a lot.
For example: my team has only 1-3 people, while others have 12 people. Unless he is willing to join me, I will not take possession of others' efforts.

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