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Horário Valento, Kelvezu e Dark Guardian

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Good morning I'm new to the game and I did not understand the bosses' schedule on the f10 key. Could someone tell me the schedule of the valento, kelvezu and dark guardian? appreciate

Edited by Eskimo

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Kelvezu, valento and dark guardian spow in 3 and 3 hours after the first bosstime on server.




Bosstime XX:20


00:20 - 03:20 - 06:20 - 09:20 12:20.... 


if you have a android, just instal the Wartale calculator, it's possible put aletrs on bosstime and HG.

Edited by RSantos

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Ok Amigo, obrigado. Somente uma dúvida, o horário que devo considerar é do servidor? Ou o nosso mesmo?

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4 minutes ago, Eskimo said:

Ok Amigo, obrigado. Somente uma dúvida, o horário que devo considerar é do servidor? Ou o nosso mesmo?


post in english in this forum or go to the portuguese area.


but yes, server time only to consider

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