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how google translator works - very interesting

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Hi there,


As many of us use this tool, because a multilingual forum, i wanted to share this:


I found a video on it's own site, telling about how it can translate things.


Actually, Google Translator is a huge Artificial intelligence implementation. Artificial intelligence is a programming paradigm in which a program can actually "learn", by reacting to input received. When few things were processed, the program act silly, but when a things happens many times, the program learn the best response to certain input. e.g.:


We like the always access font formatting in a text editor by clicking the menu "edit" > "font". The first time you open the editor, the menu font will be the last showing, though another sub menu "others" so, you will have to click edit > other > font. A program using AI will try to identify the menu you use most and will bring it closer next time. so, you clicked it many times this way, and will put the "font" sub menu in a very accessible way next time, in a way the hundred time you click the menu edit, font will be the first option, and in between many tabs in the dialog, the font formatting you want will be the tab selected, and a shortcut for that will show in "help" dialog.


In the same way, google translator read patterns in online human translations billions of times, in order to learn how human translate certain piece of text. I can vividly remember the few first times i used google translator. English-portuguese translation used to suck. but it became better with the time. I think it's due to all suggested translations it have already received, as well as the documents it read though time.


Another way we can see how this AI works is trying to translate, for instance, Portuguese to Korean. this translation is poor probably because there are much fewer human translations in GT database then other language. I also tried to translate English-Korean and the result was closely the same, but when i try portuguese-english, it looks different.



Here's the link that explain everything:




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There is just one problem; translate.google.com doesnt know all the rules for a certain language, and definitely not all the words.

Example: I posted this in another thread "You could teach something to be overly good program". Correct translation of what i used google translate for should be this: "One should be able to learn with that overly good program"


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