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What is going on? :)

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Hi ppl

Haven't been here for a while, can see some new stuff. Can u explain what is what?

Moon Hunter?
Pin option in personal shops?
Display Only?
Anything else I didn't see yet?

Thanx for answers ?

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Hello and welcome back :)


Moon Hunter: when activated, every night, at low lvl xp maps (like cursed land, oasis, all pillai maps, etc), mini mobs will spawn, which drop premium items like: a lot of crystals, from hopy crystal to draxos crystal (some say it drops caravan, I never dropped yet (if I dropped, didn't see lol)), vamp teeth, mana aura, mp down, stm down (best thing, you can sell it at npc for 1kk), dagaz, jera.


Pin option personal shop: If you found something interesting at a specific personal shop, you can pin it, then, the balloon message box will change color to green. (I'm not sure, but if you visit shop for first time, it also change it's color).


Display only: if you don't want to put a item to sell on shop, only to display so others can check stats or whatever, you just put it as display, so nobody will be able to buy it. To do it, just pick item you want to put on shop, drag it to shop inventory and click right button from ur mouse. It'll also appear at a different color (pink I guess).


Anything else, just ask and we'll try to answer ?

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