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S> Exp Service 132+ 144+

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Hello all! I'm with this experiment to try xp service again since I have some time now to do this. Before contract me, I just kindly ask you to read what is written below ?


Sevice Rules


-> You must have xp pot always on (if I start service, xp pot goes off and you don't use a new one, I'll stop service immediately and try contact with you to see what happened);

-> Before you give me share pw, make sure your char's inventory/caravan have: enough MP/STM/HP Potions, enough Rebirth Scrolls, cores to teleport to all maps that I need, forces and enough money to buy rebirths/pots;

-> Money that I will spent during xp buying rebirths, pots or anything else that I need acording to what I mentioned above wont be replaced;

-> Payments will be made 50/50, so, when you give me ur share pw, I'll send you nick that you'll transfer coins or we'll find an hour that both of us can be online to trade. I will only start service once I've received first part of full payment. Second part will be given once I finish service (This might change if it's a large amount of xp to do). But I'm open do discussion via PM;

-> If something happens in MY life that I'll need to stop service, I'll contact you that I need to stop AND I'll give you back your first half of payment fully (yes, no matter if I did 50% from 100%, I'll give you all your money back (according to the deal we've made), which means you had free xp on your char)

-> I don't like to work with deadlines for innumerous reasons (i.e: sometimes it's hard to find party in DIQ (killer or lurer), sometimes server is under maintenance or with extreme lag, etc, etc), but you can be sure that, on the time that I have to play, I'll do my best to complete ur service asap. We can discuss about time that I have to play via PM also.


Which Services Am I Accepting ATM

- Char 132 - 143 (Killers only atm);

- Char 144+ (Rangers only atm);


What Am I Accepting As Payment


- Gold (discussed acording to service lvl);

- Coins (discussed acording to service lvl);

- Set Boss 1, 2, 3 clean or mix, donate or drop (price per item will be discussed);

- Exp Potions and Third Eye 24h, 48h or 72h (Permmanent);

- Aging stone 30%, 40%, 50% (Price to be discussed);

- MS and MAGE Items 136 138 140 +22/+24 DNT;

- If you have something that you think I'll be interested, just pm me.


How to contact


Please, I kindly ask you, avoid to post here, I'll try to keep this topic with all services that I've finished or let you know if something has changed in my service rules. If you have interest in my service, send me a pm in forum and I'll be glad to answer you asap. Then, if we get a deal, I'll post a message here with our deal and you just confirm in this topic :)


Last time updated: 26/03/2021 






Edited by fernando
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Services Completed

PowerShoot - 20 Tri - 5 Days


Services In Progress

None atm

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