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Best way to farm Gold for Fighters ( FS )

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Hello everyone , im a lvl 138 FS and i was wondering whats the best way to farm gold at my lvl and up to lvl 144 , to keep in mind that i have decent items at the moment.

Thanks alot ^^

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Yes ct3 is good and also try to use moonhunter so you can farm alot faster at night can always sell boss crystals  in npc for 200k and aeon for 100k then premiums for 1kk 

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the problem with FS is that he cant tank in CT3 which means he needs a tanker to do that , how about et1 farm , is it good ?


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You can use crystals for the hunt. Legendary crystal you find in average between 400k - 600k in cities. Each repot your will yield on average 2.5-3kk if you go with empty inventory and fill it. The boss crystal can easily tank the monsters for you. I am 13x and I use wolwerine, but if I want to make my hunt more aggressive, I take crystals together because I can attract 3 or more monsters than wolwerine and crystal and kill with area skills. Even buying the crystals, always compensates, because I drop many items that render me in 3kk average in the blacksmith on each trip, out dozens of mirages, enigmas and infernas and sometimes some dagaz and some sapphires. I recommend that you go to Et2, because the drops are better than Et1, it's not very difficult for your LV and Gorgon is a demon (as well as the boss, Gorgonyte).

Edited by Diraiz

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really appreciate the advice thanks ❤️

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