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Monster AoE damage vs a pet now always damages you if you're nearby. What's your opinion?

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12 minutes ago, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:

Are you trying to say that ass and pike are weaker than Priest? LoL

Pike and ass have more DPS than As. Assassin has a 12 s poison (t2 skill) and the burning effect while she is attacking 1x1, and she has Wisp( -24% dmg) and ice, to help her in tanking.

Pike has the most OP ice on the game(-50%) with no delay at all (12 sec duration 11sec delay), an extremly strong poison and assassin eye, which increases a lot pike's damage.

The problem is that players are lazy and just want to spawn only 1 skill.. 

I think Shadow sanctuary is perfect as it is,without crystals, other maps, the old crystal system could stay, since it was balanced to be that way.

Please read what I have quoted. I do not talk about damage.


He said prs and mgs need to be more usefull in server but why are the quantity of mgs and prs more than PS and ASS.

Can you explain?


Please understand what i want to discuss.


It's about the balance of this server.


I try to give suggestion for melee class and ranger class but seem no hope because server now are full of rangers. They don't want to change the advantages of these chars.


Edited by WarLord

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
Just now, WarLord said:

Please read what I have quoted. I do not talk about damage.


He said prs and mgs are useless in server but why are the quantity of mgs and prs more than PS and ASS.

Can you explain?


Please understand what i want to discuss.


It's about the balance of this server.


I try to give suggestion for melee class and ranger class but seem no hope because server now are full of rangers. They don't want to change the advantages of these chars.


I see... but the only reason there are some priest in game is for mule purpose, you don't see priest in pvp or hunt map by herself, only as a mule. So that is why he said priest is useless, it is not really useless, since it can be a mule, but, it is just not a real option to play, since it can't do anything at all rather than level up in some maps [ in shadow sanctuary she is way more playable than in other hunting maps, due mob's low defense rtg].


Mage has the best AoE damage of the game at least twice the AoE damage of most of chars and can tank just fine, so, it's easy to find pt, can lvl up fast,it's useful for sod clan, and he can hunt attacking 2 mobs per time, the only weak point is PvP, that's why there are many of them on server.


There aren't many pikes and Assassins because; 1. only 6 months ago they got a real balance; 2 they can't stand near the hs to lvl up [diq and SL],so it's hard to lvl up [since some tankers don't like to have melees on party]. But, there is no problem at all with both classes, but with the lvl up system, and, shadow sanctuary finally turn all class useful, it is not that easy to play with a pure archer without a pet, not all mobs get stucked that easy, also, as i said, pike/ass damage on pve is higher.

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My suggestion is:


-make enemies with long range (only) have preference to attack ranged players over meeles, so basically a Archer mob will always focus in a Archer player.


-Turn monsters aoe damage as skillshot or make the player be able to know when it will be used, also boost the damage of aoe damage(not only radius aronde the monster, but piercing skills Etec.)

It will force players run in order to avoid being hit by the hk aoe ability, also make harder the life of players using 3 characters at same time with auto click.

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4 hours ago, WarLord said:


I think you never make any statistics about level ranking chars.


Do you see how many PS, how many Ass in server comparing with Mgs, Prs?


And why do the value of Ps or Ass always lower than others?


This is the problems of server balance.


And the new Mods make these chars more difficult to play. 


I do not see any good thing come to them.


New map do not affect too much for Ms or As but for other chars is not good.


So, GM can make new voting to see.



Thanks @- D E A T H S T R O K E - to answer him , I would say the same that you said.

Warlord, isn't necessary to check out the statistics to see that there are much more mages than assassins and pikemans. But do you know why ? It's because mages have only 1 main function in game: EXP 

Priestess are good to Regen and VL tankers in DiQ and SL, maybe a killer in DiQ but I always see on chat ( Slot DiQ preference magician).

So many people use them to do DiQ and HS SL, but after reach the goal they change class. Would you chose a magician or a priest to be your main acc in end game  if you had only 1 acc ? 

For me , in Shadow Sanctuary now all classes can hunt more equilibrate. I prefer hunt using a assassin than an archer , I prefer a pikeman than mechanician there. So if all classes are good in new map the price of these accounts will be more equilibrated , don't you think so ?

I didn't understand your idea so far , do you want come back to the old mode ?

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42 minutes ago, Adaga said:

Thanks @- D E A T H S T R O K E - to answer him , I would say the same that you said.

Warlord, isn't necessary to check out the statistics to see that there are much more mages than assassins and pikemans. But do you know why ? It's because mages have only 1 main function in game: EXP 

Priestess are good to Regen and VL tankers in DiQ and SL, maybe a killer in DiQ but I always see on chat ( Slot DiQ preference magician).

So many people use them to do DiQ and HS SL, but after reach the goal they change class. Would you chose a magician or a priest to be your main acc in end game  if you had only 1 acc ? 

For me , in Shadow Sanctuary now all classes can hunt more equilibrate. I prefer hunt using a assassin than an archer , I prefer a pikeman than mechanician there. So if all classes are good in new map the price of these accounts will be more equilibrated , don't you think so ?

I didn't understand your idea so far , do you want come back to the old mode ?



Thank you for sharing.


However, what you guys said is only forcus on PVP.


1. Remember that many players play this game because they like training up level, like hunting, like events...


Mgs and prs are usefull for training, SOD, events... and also for SW (prs can buff, mgs can have high dame on tower).


And for melee chars, they do not take any advantage in game excepting PVP.


2. I see that many players use mgs and prs are main chars.


3. GM want new mod to prevent advantage of MS and AS to rule the new map like SL. But now, MS and AS are very comfortable when hunting. 


How to? They use wall, stair or a Prs (full Hp and use Regen) to protect them and kill very fast while melee need to tank and loose a lot of HP,  also easy to die when vs Rock...


In short, i tell many many times, we have problem with the balance from the past and after this update the imbalance expand.


And i already make how to make balance:


1. All chars have pet and monster only hit pet or no char can use pet and crystal but the monster can have the same range like ranger.


2. The dame of melee chars and rangers the same when killing monsters. Difference only depend on the kind of monster (chars skill vs monster).


=> Players can choose their favorite chars and can have same advantages.


Edited by WarLord
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for me  -1

what is purpose of Pet or Crystal for in this game?

Remove AOE damge work like before.

Nobody complain about Pet or Crystal . I dont know why GM need to do this.


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7 hours ago, Palhacitos said:


On the other maps besides SS, is the same thing happening? the pet does not tank the monster damage? 

Pet/crystal tank but if the monster make an aoe skill and u are closer, u will get hit now. (I am talking about SL and AW)

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15 minutes ago, knightawc said:

Pet/crystal tank but if the monster make an aoe skill and u are closer, u will get hit now. (I am talking about SL and AW)

this change to other maps is really very bad.

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I have a pike and I can tell that he is not a class as many think, and we will start to fill his owner, tornado has reach, and it is 360 ° tanker does not like ps because they are terrible tanker, to make damage in the sliders in the death of the monsters.
obs: I can use skil vanish that he does not lose the buff using aoe to use the venho has the dodger that does not let take damage.
about the new map, how I die, of course, but the trick is to use ice / dodger that helps me a lot and makes me tanka 2 mobs quiet until 3 times.

FS has  Roar 

KS / MS has a great defense, does not need pet / crystal
ATA / AS has quite evade, there is armor / shild there is also no game for these two classes, maybe many who do not like the new update I can not about it,
Ass / Have a good evade
MG / SS great defense and skills to help a tanker.

OBS: if it does goes to bc puts the vitality for dong die easy,  you can to do the same for the new map, it is also allowed.

For me, cancel all pet / crystal and makes the players really stay active without game, do not get discouraged in a game and stay trading from one guy in action  

Edited by Gu

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58 minutes ago, Palhacitos said:

this change to other maps is really very bad.

I know, thats why I prefer the crsytals stay the old way, but I dont understand why everyone are discussing now about which class is better on this topic.

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2 hours ago, WarLord said:



Thank you for sharing.


However, what you guys said is only forcus on PVP.


1. Remember that many players play this game because they like training up level, like hunting, like events...


Mgs and prs are usefull for training, SOD, events... and also for SW (prs can buff, mgs can have high dame on tower).


And for melee chars, they do not take any advantage in game excepting PVP.


2. I see that many players use mgs and prs are main chars.


3. GM want new mod to prevent advantage of MS and AS to rule the new map like SL. But now, MS and AS are very comfortable when hunting. 


How to? They use wall, stair or a Prs (full Hp and use Regen) to protect them and kill very fast while melee need to tank and loose a lot of HP,  also easy to die when vs Rock...


In short, i tell many many times, we have problem with the balance from the past and after this update the imbalance expand.


And i already make how to make balance:


1. All chars have pet and monster only hit pet or no char can use pet and crystal but the monster can have the same range like ranger.


2. The dame of melee chars and rangers the same when killing monsters. Difference only depend on the kind of monster (chars skill vs monster).


=> Players can choose their favorite chars and can have same advantages.


Now I got what you meant. Probably your idea is more about a new Zeus project rebalance, maybe a phase II in Someday, ir even with new skills where all classes balance can be done, but I'm sure this won't come soon . So, let's the map do that work.

As GU said in his post , all classes have way to tank and kill.

Cristal and pet for SL/AW

Tank and pot for shadow Sanctuary.

It will make the economy better because ALL itens Will be valued .

Currently if you drop a armor 136 archer or ata spec is practically same as NS.

Other thing, mostly of new items are one handed , so for Archer with a bow 142 u can use a shield to help tank and kill so well ( bow 142 +22 ) is almost same damage  as 130 bow +22.

Other classes can do same with new items.


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I love the idea of having strong monsters with high damage, because you must be paying attention to survive and that with the PET/crystal was forgotten..

The AoE damage its a good way to keep you alert because you can get a hit every Time , and the fast way of killing monster its perfect , Is like playing PvP but for UP, you should use your best skills combination to kill fast and not to Die


In  conclusion, Shadow Santuary  its a great map that need to fix the hit kill by pet hahahaha


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On 28/5/2019 at 18:02, Wartale said:

Antes del último parche, los monstruos que atacan AoE contra tu mascota / cristal no te dañarán. Ahora lo hace. ¿Cuál es tu opinión sobre esto?


Por cierto, los monstruos del Santuario de las Sombras que hacen más de 10000 de daño en estos golpes de AoE cuando se dirigen a una mascota son un error.

people do not understand that it is not only because of the new map, but in general on my part it affects my ks a lot because I love an undead I receive enough damage for that thanks I fight hand to hand, very different from SS there is if this perfect that you can not use crystals or pets.

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On 5/29/2019 at 11:15 PM, Adaga said:

. I prefer hunt using a assassin than an archer , I prefer a pikeman than mechanician there. So if all classes

Lolll pls Pm me ingame -Noctis- i'll show u how assassin hunting when compare with as and ms auto 

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6 hours ago, ThunderFlare95 said:

Lolll pls Pm me ingame -Noctis- i'll show u how assassin hunting when compare with as and ms auto 

What you mean ? Be more specific...

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2 hours ago, Adaga said:

What you mean ? Be more specific...

Just want u to know how bad assassin are when compare hunting with other char.

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Maybe its not that unfair since melee’s can take more than one hit and for rangers its not like they dont take any damage, search for any hunt video and u can see more than one death.

The reason here is that if u keep it like this it’ll target class differences, fair or not, and they’ll (people who do not agree/like the new thing) will complain till something is changed or they seem benefited

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10 hours ago, ThunderFlare95 said:

Just want u to know how bad assassin are when compare hunting with other char.

As I said before, that's a preference point. For that reason there are 10 classes in game, so each people can play with a class which fit better or think more fun.

Considering 1x1 in new map you think assassin is worst than archer ? Even with evade + block + freeze skill ??

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Edited by Adaga

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6 hours ago, Adaga said:

Considering 1x1 in new map you think assassin is worst than archer ? Even with evade + block + freeze skill ??

For sure even with draxos always have vl and regen still lack of tanky also have 1 speed sod but dmg output lower with miss and block form mob 

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16 minutes ago, ThunderFlare95 said:

For sure even with draxos always have vl and regen still lack of tanky also have 1 speed sod but dmg output lower with miss and block form mob 

I won't disagree of you , since you are the highest assassin of server , I believe in your words.. is a pit for assassins .

But have you already tried another builds , healthy points ?

Because if you have VL, Regen and freeze and even so you are having troubles it seems strange.

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
50 minutes ago, ThunderFlare95 said:

For sure even with draxos always have vl and regen still lack of tanky also have 1 speed sod but dmg output lower with miss and block form mob 

Do you use Wisp?poison and burning? Mobs do not have block, only defense [anyway i dunno how much AR ass has].

Edited by - D E A T H S T R O K E -

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3 hours ago, Adaga said:

I won't disagree of you , since you are the highest assassin of server , I believe in your words.. is a pit for assassins .

But have you already tried another builds , healthy points ?

Because if you have VL, Regen and freeze and even so you are having troubles it seems strange.


3 hours ago, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:

Do you use Wisp?poison and burning? Mobs do not have block, only defense [anyway i dunno how much AR ass has].

Hello guys,

Please test MS and AS speed for solo hunting VS any melee char.

Speed is very fast and no need to use HP Pot.

Those are reasons why MS and AS are a lot in server. 

That's all. Thank you.


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I think this is an interesting change.

Some ppl say that Xtals will become useless, i disagree on that.

From what i understood monsters will continue to attack the pet/ Xtal, however the caster will take damage from aoe attack targeted on pet, if caster is nearby.


I guess this make sense, and will make the gameplay more dynamic and fun.


But  there is another thing to consider, game balance.


Although the hunting of melee classes became harder after this change, i guess its ok, since all classes have their surviving tools and it is always expected that some change benefit some of them, and make things harder to another ones.


That said, i have to agree that this change impaire assassin and pike hunting beyond the reasonable, and i gonna tell why.


Assassin and Pike are fragile melee classes, that are not meant to be tanky but to survive through blocking and evading hits, being evasion their MAIN surviving tool.


So yeah, they have freeezing skills, assassin has whisp... and so on...


Yeah, they do have that but it is secundary. Their main tool of survivability is evasion, for sure.


I THINK AoE damage cannot be blocked (maybe i'm wrong on this), and, as everybody knows, AoE damage cannot be evaded also.


So this is the problem with this change, the damage cannot be avoided through their main tool of survivability.


Since they are melee classes, they will always be near the monsters when the AoE attack comes, and, considering AoE cannot be blocked or evaded, there is nothing they can do besides take the damage and pray for their hp/ABS be enough to not get killed.


So we have RANGERS attacking from distance and not geting hit by the aoe, MS taking AoE with no problem or attacking from distance too, KS taking the AoE damage but surviving with no bigger problems, FS (i don't know how he is doing after this change), and there is ASS and PS, fragile melee classes just taking the damage with no chance avoid it, since their surviveng tools are unable to protect them from AoE damage.


My suggestion is simple, keep things the way it is now, but give ass and pike some area evasion, they never needed it so much.


Assassin already has 30% of area evasion provided by blade mastery. The 12% evasion provided by Alas could be changed to area evasion too (PVE only), so assassin could count with 42% of area evasion when hunting.


Pikeman has some area evasion? if not, give him some.


This change would make the fight more fair, and would make it possible for those classes hunting using their main surviving tool without losing their characteristics.


This is also easy to implement, since this change is just a small modification to the codes of Alas and Vague that can be done very quickly.


The alternative would be the AOE skill predictable somehow, so that all classes could just leave the affected area.







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