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Hello, I would like to know if anyone has a sujestao for the economy of the game back to normal, our chars 15x the price of banana, 150 16kc 151 18kc 152 20, where are we going to get with this?

let's get together and come up with an idea for that to change.


Thank all 

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needs another map for 150 ~ 152+ only with better exp than SS without drops to avoid the domino effect caused by super high end player having nothing to do which decreases 15x+ accounts value and consequently decreases all other lower levels accounts and items value. 

Edited by MadTale

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21 hours ago, StoneAge said:

Hello, I would like to know if anyone has a sujestao for the economy of the game back to normal, our chars 15x the price of banana, 150 16kc 151 18kc 152 20, where are we going to get with this?

let's get together and come up with an idea for that to change.


Thank all 

I think we can not change this situation. Account value is decreasing fast for many reasons:

  • This game is old.
  • All people are high level and continue to train up.
  • New map 144 exp is good and players can up 16x there.
  • The level requirement of item 144+24 is 152 => no need more high level.
  • People try to sell acc to get coins or gold to buy items, age items
  • In the past you use a team to train in SL, DIQ... Now you only need 1 acc for solo (or +1 prs to regen and tank) => they sell some acc they do not need.
  • ...

For short period, you will feel it's not good but it's also have positive aspect:

New player can easily buy a char because it's not expensive.


Now, game is good because we have some good update:

  • New map 144
  • Age + 24
  • Monster can do AOE
  • Monster in new map is low HP and strong power
  • ...

It helps a lot, more people will play.

The problem is the game is go very far from origin about class balance. Hope GM can care about it.

Edited by WarLord
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2 hours ago, WarLord said:


Creo que no podemos cambiar esta situación. El valor de la cuenta está disminuyendo rápidamente por muchas razones:

  • Este juego es viejo
  • Todas las personas son de alto nivel y continúan entrenando.
  • Nuevo mapa 144 exp es bueno y puede hasta 16x allí.
  • El requisito de nivel del artículo 144 + 24 es 152 => no es necesario un nivel más alto.
  • La gente intenta vender acc para obtener monedas u oro para comprar artículos, artículos de edad
  • En el pasado usas un equipo para entrenar en SL, DIQ ... Ahora solo necesitas 1 acc para solo (o +1 prs para regenerar y tank) => venden algo de acc que no necesitan.
  • ...

Durante un período corto, sentirá que no es bueno, pero también tiene un aspecto positivo:

El nuevo jugador puede comprar fácilmente un char porque no es caro.


Ahora, el juego es bueno porque tenemos una buena actualización:

  • Nuevo mapa 144
  • Edad + 24
  • Monstruo puede hacer AOE
  • Monstruo en nuevo mapa es bajo HP y fuerte poder.
  • ...

Ayuda mucho, más gente jugará.

El problema es que el juego está muy lejos del origen del equilibrio de clases. Espero que GM pueda importarle.

the game its fun now

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Value of characters always change, it's normal. Before 11x chars were worth alot. The admins aren't your national central bank trying to keep value of everything always stable and only have 2% inflation per year or something, lol. Admins should focus on keeping game fun, not price stability. And admins don't sell levels or chars which is very nice for us.

Edited by IfYouSaySo
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I don't see how someone can actually create this thread asking this question. Its like inflation is not a thing!


It is literally common sense that as the supply go up the demand would go down. This game is old and many players are 15x right now. Of course the value would drop. Who the hell would want to spend so much money for a common level? The old 150 is the new 155 in the present. The value should match up.



Edited by lonelyforyou
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