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Mech Atk rtg?

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So i've noticed that Talons(claws) and hammers do not add any SPEC Atk Rtg? I do not know if this is only in MS spec or for all classes.


However it's pretty disturbing as a mech.


Any reasons i may have missed when i was browsing for the issue? Because i didn't find anything.

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They do


SOME do, however not all, and i haven't seen the high lvl items yet but it's still considered as a bug IMO

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no one kinda notice low level items .. so i think it isnt bug . .

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Wyvern Talon (lvl60) and Rune Hammer (lvl54) are the last ones without attack rating bonus on spec, that's no big deal

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Wyvern Talon (lvl60) and Rune Hammer (lvl54) are the last ones without attack rating bonus on spec, that's no big deal


+Maximum, and i've seen loads of items in the shops aswell. I just hadn't seen a Hammer/Talon with SPEC ATK RTG when i posed this topic, so yeah aslong as the high lvl once have it's fine :P

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Leveling to 6x isn't hard, and as the attack rating bonus on spec is based on chars level it's not that much either

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106 javelin doesnt have too :o

Javelins shouldn't have at all

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Leveling to 6x isn't hard, and as the attack rating bonus on spec is based on chars level it's not that much either


As i tried to clarity i thought it were a bug and was for ALL items even high level.


Since it's not, go ahead and lock, i've got my aswner :)



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