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i dont see more party in diq , later update SS  . Diq died  , is hard up 13x to 144 now  . 
@Wartale  you can change mode up 13x  ?  is hard  search party now . 
PPL only up in SS . 
13x cant up diq now , because dont have more Party ?

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More balance is needed.

And I know how hard is this for them.

SS is breaking SL, DI & AW.


PS: I do not know if they really want it.

Edited by Luca

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But keep in mind that this Party Quest is an incentive and a challenge at same time.

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SS IS GOOD ,  no need challenge SS . 

But need  more balance for chars 13x up  too . 

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Problem in DIQ = Nobody wants be a lure.

Somes players think they are better. 

Only the sames classes in lurer: Ks,Fs,Ms,Ps and Prs.

I see one Archer lure at the moment in Priston: -SupeR-ZIKA-.


"I dont know lure" 

Nobody was born knowing how to lurer.


Most players wants up easy, only killer(with regen) or tanker.


So, i think the problem its not the new map. 



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1 hour ago, Luca said:

More balance is needed.

And I know how hard is this for them.

SS is breaking SL, DI & AW.


PS: I do not know if they really want it.

AW was a dead map since SL was released. Now u have daily Q there, but it cant be done in party so requires a lot of time, thats why nobody do that quest (also is 142, when it should be at least 136 ?)


About SL, the only thing that is keeping alive the map is the daily Q, but nobody use that ground for xp only; i think the main problem sl have for stay semi-dead is the party Q for that map never was released (It will come on the next update, is what the npc says on SL ?)


And DI... u cant expect having ppl 15x-16x xping with a Q for lvl 132. People trained faster with stronger party members but that cant be forever, now they need to realized that diQ even being fast, will not be easier as before. Before u had tankers lvl 14x-15x , now the ms 13x will have to invest on equipment for be able to tank there (and is possible and even easier than before, because now u can get a +22 item at lower lvl.)


The main problem about diQ, I think, are their roles. If u can make the same Q, with 6 killers, will not be hard to make a party.

But now for go diQ, u need 1 tanker, 1 lurer and 4 killers (and the players dont want ks/fs for killers, so that only fact reduce the probabilitys for complete the party).

If they (the Wartale staff) can remade the diQ keeping the objective (collect gold) but changing spawns / mobs / chest system (instead of have only 1 chest, every pt member get 1 chest), so DI become a map 1 vs 1 and everyone can play the Q as killer I believe it will be a good change.

The only problem with that option I mentioned is prs arent killers, so virtually will be the dead of the class as a playable character for xp on partys (dont tell me u still can play prs giving regen to the party, because that is not play. Isnt even fun, except for those who love chats and do nothing with their chars).


20 minutes ago, Hello said:

Problem in DIQ = Nobody wants be a lure.

So, i think the problem its not the new map.


Being lure sucks. And for mostly of players, I think they have more fun killing than just luring all the time for 12 lvls (12 lvls that arent shorts).

As I said before, half of the problem is the diQ system, and the other half belong to the players. They only want 1 or 2 specific class for killers.

If a new player on server wanna play a fighter and someone tell him that have to train by his self 12 lvls being lurer. But also have the choice to farm gold and buy a character 140/144 and skip the boring part, probly he will choose buy a higher char.

I all my time at diq, i had met few lurers that really liked that rol. Mostly of the lurers, even being great lurer, werent having fun doing that.

And the truth is we play here or any game for have some fun.

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Need update Nihil Quest to 136 and Add new NPC in Ancient Weapon entrance.


Put NPC Quest Here:






Iron Core need Daily Quest.




Screw Collecting: Kill Monsters in Iron Core and collect 5 Screws.



Edited by Combreak
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I agree with almost everything.

Less this.

32 minutes ago, knightawc said:

chest system (instead of have only 1 chest, every pt member get 1 chest), so DI become a map 1 vs 1 and everyone can play the Q as killer I believe it will be a good change.

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8 minutes ago, Combreak said:

Need update Nihil Quest to 136 and Add new NPC in Ancient Weapon entrance.


Iron Core need Daily Quest.




Screw Collecting: Kill Monsters in Iron Core and collect 5 Screws.

Nihil quest need to change for party kills also count. Thats why even 14x-15x ppl dont do that quest nowdays; take too long for get full the magic cruet.


About Iron Core daily Q, i like the idea of finding items instead of killing mobs. It gives some purpose.

Will not be interesting too that under some circunstances, that daily Q could be repeteable 1 more time at the same day? (not always)


2 minutes ago, Luca said:

I agree with almost everything.

Less this.

As long u need a tanker and a lurer, it will be harder for get full pt.

Only ms can be tanker, and nobody wanna be lurer.

Anyway could have some way to encourage ppl for play as lurer or tanker.

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1 hour ago, knightawc said:

Will not be interesting too that under some circunstances, that daily Q could be repeteable 1 more time at the same day? (not always)

I think not.

It would leave the pattern.

See, currently no there repeatable.


1 hour ago, knightawc said:

As long u need a tanker and a lurer, it will be harder for get full pt.

Only ms can be tanker, and nobody wanna be lurer.

Anyway could have some way to encourage ppl for play as lurer or tanker.

That's part of it.
We need to understand that to make Party Quest it will be necessary to form/create a group.

And this may take some time or not, some will be good others bad.

Edited by Luca

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apply the same exp layout used in SS to SL/DI/AW

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8 minutes ago, MadTale said:

apply the same exp layout used in SS to SL/DI/AW

I think it's an alternative.

But we do not know what they (Admin) are thinking.

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1 hour ago, MadTale said:

apply the same exp layout used in SS to SL/DI/AW



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6 hours ago, Luca said:

As long u need a tanker and a lurer, it will be harder for get full pt.

Only ms can be tanker, and nobody wanna be lurer.


Agree to this. I for one can only play after office hours and on sat and maybe sunday, so why will i waste my time luring when the fun is in killing. Luring is so boooring and after office hours a person want to have some fun, and killing is way way more fun than luring.


Just my 2 cents.

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On 6/19/2019 at 5:29 PM, MadTale said:

apply the same exp layout used in SS to SL/DI/AW

This should be +1... but make sure spawn is the same on SS! 

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7 hours ago, GreatKing said:


Agree to this. I for one can only play after office hours and on sat and maybe sunday, so why will i waste my time luring when the fun is in killing. Luring is so boooring and after office hours a person want to have some fun, and killing is way way more fun than luring.


Just my 2 cents.


thats why its harder to get party in diq

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -

Just rearrange mobs on HS2 so it won't need any lurer, just like usual xp maps spawns, or at least, make it easier to lure [ remove mobs inside castle and near the grille, and add some mobs on center].

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4 hours ago, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:

Just rearrange mobs on HS2 so it won't need any lurer, just like usual xp maps spawns, or at least, make it easier to lure [ remove mobs inside castle and near the grille, and add some mobs on center].

I think it better to do on HS3.

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