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Thought about T5

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So, i figured, since the T5 is beta we will have to re-do the quest again when the beta is off and its completely finished right? Isnt it smarter to save all the mats for the quest until T5 is all finished then? So you can just kinda complete it really fast?

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It's practical to have a beta for the players to find the bugs so the staff can repair them. And it's nice to have a glimpse of t5, knowing it's development is highly in progress :P

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Yes of course it's practical to find bugs, but would you be able to save the mats or will it be removed when the beta finishes? Cuz i've already done the quest on 1 char so.. I thought id hold on to the items on my other char.

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Yes of course it's practical to find bugs, but would you be able to save the mats or will it be removed when the beta finishes? Cuz i've already done the quest on 1 char so.. I thought id hold on to the items on my other char.


You managed to complete the whole Tier 5 Rank-Up Quest? But how? People told me they can't smelt their dark stones, let us know how you did it. :)

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Relog before smelting ;)


They told me their stones disappear once they relog.

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no one got any thoughts of what the thread actually was all about? Will we have to do this quest all over again in the future? Is it worth saving up mats to do it fast then?

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Won't have to do it again on the same char


Okay awesome! Thanks for reply :)

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