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Mage Place

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Hey guys, my last time in this server was before Project Zeus. 

A lot of things has changed in a lot of classes. 

So, now, i would like to ask what is the Mage Place? I mean, it would be dead as soon as it reaches 130 because of party quests or it can actually kill stuff now?

Another thing, after Zeus, what is the best hunting class after AutoMech?:

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Mage is one of the best classes for pve killing. Between 132-144 you do party quest at Death Island or kill mobs at Secret Lab and mage is the most wanted class there. Automechs are best killers in SL (140 map) but are easy killed at the Shadow Sanctuary(144) map since you can't use summons. Im not 144+ myself but I have heard that most classes are viable in the SS map.

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