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Discuss about Tier 5 skill guys  8) . The other class have their topic too ^^


So far this is the best skill :


Inner Soul

Adds Attack Rating temporary

Stacks 100% with Concentration

Swift Axe can be used simultaneously

Attack Rating + 160

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k itl make u run like a lighning bolt and some nice dmg.

i consider it like a good combo with destroyer (if the animation doest take to long)


Inner Soul

agreed on this one CON + IS = 320att rtg extra that is a nice thing



with this skill the fighter will face a major problem; the FS Gear price will skyrocket. This because of 2reasons

1: players will make a fighter to make a sh*tload of money and  these fighters need gear (the balance of demand and availability)

2: the market thinks, hmm fighters make easy money lets up the price a bit for this item


Fire Axe

high lvl's will leave this skill at 1

lower lvl might put it higher and after tehre high enough change build because they consider going pvp and adding points in those skills a waste for there lvl

the dmg is a total added i hope that is on ur weapon because 32-50 is not high enough for me

the added 20% critical might convince me otherwise

but then we have to pot our ass off again because of a combo with beserker (-30abs when pvp'ing hurts (my opinion) )

and the hp drain of 32hp/sec they really should add this hp drain to the person/mob u just hit with this skill




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::) SA and Inner Soul is good too,

8% speed + 160 attack rating  8)

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i just have a few questions regarding hellion, since i didnt get it yet

1) it requires A LOT of MP am i right? like 300 or more in LV1 and 500 in LV10, does anyone have that much MP??

2) chance to rage on high levels is really high, (is it expressed as a percentage?), so i wonder if the creatures are strong. if they are weak, i wouldn't mind them attacking me, cause i kill them easily, but if they are strong with high HP and high attack power, its a huge disadvantage.

3) can they be killed by mobs?? if they can be killed by regular mobs, they are quite useless am i right?


i really dont know much about these skills, i have started playing a few days ago, so if anyone can tell me their opinions about this skill that would be great

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Do you think it would make sense to abandon SA and go for conc to stack with IS? Or do you think it's better to have SA + IS over conc + IS?


And I really don't understand the point of Hellion. It just seems a bit strange for anyone to invest skill points into a skill just to have them pick money, and at the same time deal with the possibility of them attacking you and they take your exp too? IDK.. And also, how fast will they loot gold? Will there be a limit as to how much they can loot? And how quickly?

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Do you think it would make sense to abandon SA and go for conc to stack with IS? Or do you think it's better to have SA + IS over conc + IS?


And I really don't understand the point of Hellion. It just seems a bit strange for anyone to invest skill points into a skill just to have them pick money, and at the same time deal with the possibility of them attacking you and they take your exp too? IDK.. And also, how fast will they loot gold? Will there be a limit as to how much they can loot? And how quickly?


I don't know if anyone noticed, but in game it says it CHAINS concentration on inner soul. If that is correct, then you could get conc and SA level 10 and use inner soul to chain concentration, thus getting conc + IS + SA between two skills [+320 AR, +1 speed]. Will be quite nice if that works out.


Hellion seems pointless if FS is your main. Much like people create prs mules to VL them, I assume the same will happen with FS for looting. If you have a good AoE class, I imagine having an fs mule in party with hellion 10 and a mass killer would make money a lot easier in the mystery forests.

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Do you think it would make sense to abandon SA and go for conc to stack with IS? Or do you think it's better to have SA + IS over conc + IS?


And I really don't understand the point of Hellion. It just seems a bit strange for anyone to invest skill points into a skill just to have them pick money, and at the same time deal with the possibility of them attacking you and they take your exp too? IDK.. And also, how fast will they loot gold? Will there be a limit as to how much they can loot? And how quickly?


I don't know if anyone noticed, but in game it says it CHAINS concentration on inner soul. If that is correct, then you could get conc and SA level 10 and use inner soul to chain concentration, thus getting conc + IS + SA between two skills [+320 AR, +1 speed]. Will be quite nice if that works out.


Hellion seems pointless if FS is your main. Much like people create prs mules to VL them, I assume the same will happen with FS for looting. If you have a good AoE class, I imagine having an fs mule in party with hellion 10 and a mass killer would make money a lot easier in the mystery forests.


Yeah, that would work out quite well. For both points raised anyway :P. It would be a delight to have IS chaining with conc, then it would be really nic, hopefully FS don't miss as much anymore. I'm very interested to see how hellions will pick gold though, if they pick it fast then yeah, it would make money making in the MF maps alot easier. I'm also really keen to see the animation of charge, if it's a short animation, combo-ing it with AC/Dest could work out really well xD

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dude for real IS will rule

my con is 10 already

and after that its charge im lvling

then euh the other 2 i dont like; change the hp drain to the target side of flame axe and ill lvl that


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dude for real IS will rule

my con is 10 already

and after that its charge im lvling

then euh the other 2 i dont like; change the hp drain to the target side of flame axe and ill lvl that


Lol, the HP drain doesn't bug me that much, just 32/sec is probably a bit much even with good HP regen gears [val rings, kelv amulet]. 20% critical can be quite painful with a little bit of damage. Imagine destroyer with your new AR and 48% critical boost, would be quite painful for a lot of people :P. Or the fact AC already gets a 15% critical boost if you have brutal swing, that would jump up to 35%. This is all also without even consideration to your weapon critical.


There is probably a cap, but *if* there isn't, when you add weapons you can imagine a dest with high attack power, decent AR and 73-77% crit [depending on your weap].


The fact IS stacks with swift axe also means you'll be doing this at 9 speed as well :P.


The possibilities are quite nice imo, just something more along the lines of 10-20 hp/sec would be more reasonable.

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I see many fs, changing Roar to Bone Crush when all skills are released.


Finally FS will get a nice atk rtg

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I believe many FS will choose to keep roar still, it's useful in BC. And annoying.

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why we FS get a very useless skill??? especially that looter skill. it is pointless and a new nick will be given to us, gold diggers. hew can they change that skill and maka a better skill. look, in other chars, they have good skill, it seems that FS are always behind other char in terms of xping, and as of now, pikes are now more powerful in pvp.

any comments???

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fighters tier 5 is one of the best in my opinion (except for helions)


Charge can basically 1 hit most ppl

innersoul will add 320 Ar basically making Destroyer and bonecrusher more deadly

and flame axe is + 20 crit which will be overkill when we use avenging crash and destroyer. ( will be crit on every hit xD)

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the charge attack is only a dmg boost skill. dmg boost is not a good thing here


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the charge attack is only a dmg boost skill. dmg boost is not a good thing here


what crap are you spouting here? Charge is going to be like pike's vanish if it ends up working like its description. It's going to be a huge boost to damage, coupled with boost in AR and crit in the other two skills, how are fighters' t5 skills bad?

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sooo if that will happen.then it will be good for us...


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T5: skill name "Charge "

it be attack skill or buff skill.

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i can tell u there gonna nerf fs t5 even befor its been released

complaints of non FS players

they dont miss anymore (is+ con) =+3xx atr

charge theyre backstabbers now with combo of charge and dest (and we dont miss c 1 sentence up)

there lootwhores

there critical is to high with flaming axe


and believe me these things will be said by other players

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the charge attack is only a dmg boost skill. dmg boost is not a good thing here


what crap are you spouting here? Charge is going to be like pike's vanish if it ends up working like its description. It's going to be a huge boost to damage, coupled with boost in AR and crit in the other two skills, how are fighters' t5 skills bad?


like vanish?? man charge is going to be 1 single blow at high speed, for example im 15 feet away from ur char and cast charge to u and ill run at high speed towards ur char hitting u 1 time thats it, the speed its going to be amazing but still it is 1 hit skill, this skill give the FS the ability to aproach an archer or an atalanta in 1 sec from a range position or kill low hp runners


plz dont be misleaded by my desciption of the skill, i love this type of skill i was a paladin in pt2 and i had this exact same skill and it was awesome but i hoped the first skill on the FS t5 to be inner soul and not charge, charge will do fine 2nd

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