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Im mad at the T5.

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So I FINALLY got to do the Eragon fight and got the scroll. I brought it to my skillmaster but he didnt do anything. At all. So I relogged and now the scroll is gone. And now I will have to try my luck to get to Eragon Once Again. GG.


Edit: Oh, something even funnier, the box where you "move to the field" that appears when you talk to the gatekeeper.. Well, It's not there anymore.

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well, i think that means that your done with the quest..

its just that the T5 skills are'nt open yet.. :)

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Thats impossible, still got the Quest mark in the upper left corner.

And the scroll didnt disappear when i talked to the skillmaster for that matter.

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Guest TFSE

Clearly there are still some kinks to work out. Please be patient while they are sorted out (:

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Hi there , i get the tire 5 and get the skill but the skill is locked, can any1 GM tell how to unlock or is it bugged ???

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Hi there , i get the tire 5 and get the skill but the skill is locked, can any1 GM tell how to unlock or is it bugged ???

They will get released in the future

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Hi there , i get the tire 5 and get the skill but the skill is locked, can any1 GM tell how to unlock or is it bugged ???


Its locked cause it's not 100% ready yet!

Locked for everyone!

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When the txt OK box from the gatekeeper doesn't appear (like what happened to me, too <_<), it probably means that 8 ppl already snuck in before you and the room is full (if I'm correct).. When you're waiting there with 50 ppl at the door, it's most likely you'll end up clicking on the gatekeeper half a second too late.

Quest items vanish..

Dc's and rollback...

Gaia armor quest still disabled...

You guys sure this is the final beta..? :P

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Yep, thats why its called a Beta ::)

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I solved it! I found out that you have to complete the zombie quest before you try to complete the rank-up. Also, if you do Eragon, get the scroll and relog, you still have the scroll but it doesnt show in the quest item inventory page.


Now i got HappyFace  ;D

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@Happy i got that too ;p

Pretty sucked xD

Stupid 10 zombies ....

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Yeh, when i figured it out i was kinda like *sigh*--> (-_-)

But now im happy again  ;)

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see this attitude? people brag and just found out its there problem not that quest itself . .next time . .dont put post that says ur mad and then its just your mistake and blame the server for it lol

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see this attitude? people brag and just found out its there problem not that quest itself . .next time . .dont put post that says ur mad and then its just your mistake and blame the server for it lol


If you are gonna be on the forums, learn to read the threadstart. If you were in that situation, i bet you would also blame the server for it, of course i thought there was something wrong with the quest. What else could it have been? I was frustrated.

And when i figured it out, to let everyone else know who might also wonder wth is going on, i gently said what you needed to do before completing the T5 quest.

FYI, I dont brag in any way at all,  so i got no idea what so ever where you got that from.


Next time, read the threadstart before you start throwing poop at people. Seriously.

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lol u think i ddnt read? you have already said it..  " I was frustrated " thats why when somethings wrong ingame. .you can forum and act like the staff arent doing there thing just to get the game settled in there. . why not make a thread thats thanking that staff on doing this updates for us .. that will be much appreciated

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Alright, I admit that I put it all in a totally wrong way. However, my intention was to point out something that I thought were annoying. I spoke to some other players in-game who thought the same thing. I know that it sounded very QQ-ish and I'm sorry about that. I know that the staff got much more important things to do, so its up to them if this is something they want to take a look at or not. I do highly appreciate all the hard work the staff is doing for this community to make everyone happy, I really do. Don't misunderstand me.


Once again, this thread came out all wrong and I apoloize for that.

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