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Do People still know me AKA Michael Smetsers // AJAX ?

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Hello Guys,


Tried to get my old account back what i lost a time ago but 2 times denied, wondering if people still know me?


AKA AJAX, Michael Smetsers

Had a FS 135,  traded for PS 137  ?? ? when this was still called Realm PT.

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Hey bro, I dont remember exactly who you are but I played when Realmpt still on.


If you have motivation to come back game I would really advise you to, its way better than it was on that time.

And if you dont get your acc back dont be dismotivated. 13x acc are now with a real low value in market so if you are able to donate a few coins its not expensive to get a full account.

If not you can also start game from scratch and soon enought you will get your lvl back! 

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -

yes i do, old EZ clan member =p

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How long to grind 500kk?   Starting from scratch is painfull hahah

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
2 hours ago, DontErrorMePlease said:

How long to grind 500kk?   Starting from scratch is painfull hahah

it depends, with moon hunter ( the best way to farm gold for newbies),  you can make 40kk~ hour ( you can do more if you sell power ups in personal shop rather than npc them all), for a 15x with a mage/shaman, you can farm around 130kk~ hour in CT3 [ + sheltoms ( sapp, oredo, sol...)], i usually take 3 hours to do 1 gb in CT3 [ sheltoms included].

144+ can also try to find a 142 item in shadow sanct while level uping & get some sheltoms too=p

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49 minutes ago, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:

it depends, with moon hunter ( the best way to farm gold for newbies),  you can make 40kk~ hour ( you can do more if you sell power ups in personal shop rather than npc them all), for a 15x with a mage/shaman, you can farm around 130kk~ hour in CT3 [ + sheltoms ( sapp, oredo, sol...)], i usually take 3 hours to do 1 gb in CT3 [ sheltoms included].

142+ can also try to find a 142 item in shadow sanct while level uping & get some sheltoms too=p


Just to correct, you need to be 144+ ^^

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1 hour ago, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:

it depends, with moon hunter ( the best way to farm gold for newbies),  you can make 40kk~ hour ( you can do more if you sell power ups in personal shop rather than npc them all), for a 15x with a mage/shaman, you can farm around 130kk~ hour in CT3 [ + sheltoms ( sapp, oredo, sol...)], i usually take 3 hours to do 1 gb in CT3 [ sheltoms included].

142+ can also try to find a 142 item in shadow sanct while level uping & get some sheltoms too=p

hi bro does ct3 drop SOL?

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
25 minutes ago, disable1000 said:

hi bro does ct3 drop SOL?

Yes, it does, every 10-12 hrs of hunt with 3rd Eye i usually get a sol in ct3 ( 2 sols per 24h eye).

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Oke oke Thanks people.


Level cap for CT 3?  and how much coins is 1 GB?  500KK

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CT3 is 120+, but if you want to farm as mentioned, you need to have at least a char 143+ with some +22 gears and vl or regen.

Nowadays, 900 - 950kk = 1000coins

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What do you mean a 143+ char ? to farm CT3 good?    


what is the best PVP class atm ?

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I mean, you have 2 ways to farm:


1- 1 char killing and other leeching and selling items npc (in this case, you need a 143+ char that can tank like shaman or mage with good equips and vl);

2- 1 mech to tank and any other class that have good aoe skills and a char to leech aswell.


about PVP I'll leave this question to someone else answer, cause I don't go that much at BC ?

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48 minutes ago, DontErrorMePlease said:

What do you mean a 143+ char ? to farm CT3 good?    


what is the best PVP class atm ?

pvp here is not so fun unless ur account is 15x with good gears.. 

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oke oke, but can you tell me what chars are the best atm in PVP ?

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -

All classes are good for pvp (except priest , mage is good for SW due his high AoE damage), you can check pvp ranking and see that all classes are on it.

Anyway, [that is my opinion], i think 4 classes are above average atm:

-AS: massive damage dealer as pure, almost untouchable with armor.

-KS: a walking war tank, he is the toughest char to kill Atm, and, with his T5 skill (holy aura), can land a high damage hit every 20 hits.

-Shaman: he is between pure Archer and Ks in tankness x Damage dealt, he also got a huge amount of useful skills[ slow down, stun, Damage over time, nuke, pushback skill, skill with extra range,AoE..]

-Pike: Pike is extremely powerful Atm [ just like it was back in 2012], as you might know, he has the strongest ice[ working on pvp now], Venom spear [ working on pvp now], also, you can cast both skills with vanish on and it won't turn it off anymore, Eye now is not bugged anymore [ it gives Extra crit damage to the target that you cast eye]. Also, what is new about pike is that he now has got 2 more T5 skills, Dodge and shuriken: - Dodge=> turn pike immortal for 3 sec [ 100% evade], and it can be casted at any time, even at the middle of an action [ while casting shadow master for EG]. Shuriken => a hit with 200 Range that gets a big damage boost if the target is running [ powerful against archers], ATM, a pike with soccer hat [ a hat that gives 13 speed], it's impossible to be killed if he hit&run.




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On 7/22/2019 at 4:25 PM, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:

yes i do, old EZ clan member =p

I thought he was from PM. ?

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I was in more clans ;) many clans didnt last for a few months

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33 minutes ago, DontErrorMePlease said:

I was in more clans ? many clans didnt last for a few months

Yeah PM I remember when I was in HH!

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