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Def vs ABS ???

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Dose anyone know how this really works?? I know def is important and so is Block and ABS but is there a formula that decides how much damage you take from a hit? Whats best Def or ABS? I "think" ABS is more important but my 113 Mech has almost 3k Def and over 250 ABS and still takes a beating in some places like LOC but i take almost no damage in FT1. Im a little confused about it and so are some of my friends so i thought id try to find out.


Thanks for the help  ;D

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Dose anyone know how this really works?? I know def is important and so is Block and ABS but is there a formula that decides how much damage you take from a hit? Whats best Def or ABS? I "think" ABS is more important but my 113 Mech has almost 3k Def and over 250 ABS and still takes a beating in some places like LOC but i take almost no damage in FT1. Im a little confused about it and so are some of my friends so i thought id try to find out.


Thanks for the help  ;D


according to my clannie, HP=hunt, abs=tank.


If you want to do exping in exp maps, then you'd probably want to work on your abs. I believe 200+ abs is fine for FT1. If you want to be doing hunting or exp in hunting map, then HP would be a better choice (assuming HP>abs for hunting)

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LOL yeah xp maps and hunt maps the monsters hit diff

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Tbh i'm not sure about the accurate formula.


Although i know you can defend and block attacks,


So your defence is kinda like block.


While i think absorb decreases the damage you take.


That's my guess, i'm not sure tbh o.0

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Why ABS? I'm curious to know the rough formula for how damage is calculated?  I've looked all over forum to find out, but cant seem to get an answer. Is it something like def. vs atr then att pow vs abs?

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Why ABS? I'm curious to know the rough formula for how damage is calculated?  I've looked all over forum to find out, but cant seem to get an answer. Is it something like def. vs atr then att pow vs abs?


one abs saves you 1 HP from each mob's hit.

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1000 ABS VS 1000 DEF, whichone you'd choose?

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All I know is that as long as I keep my buffs going in FT1 (110 map) I can solo the HS and use no red pots. If i solo in LOC HS (100 map) even with Buffs I use a ton of red pots.

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not only abs it both...

but when lving and must be choose = def..


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A good example is a clan mate of mine (114 prs) Has half the abs that i have but can solo LOC with no problem. I know he has more HP but the point is he dosent take much damage compared to me.

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A good example is a clan mate of mine (114 prs) Has half the abs that i have but can solo LOC with no problem. I know he has more HP but the point is he dosent take much damage compared to me.


VL in realmpt got more than 30% hp add

it add a lot of def too...

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A good example is a clan mate of mine (114 prs) Has half the abs that i have but can solo LOC with no problem. I know he has more HP but the point is he dosent take much damage compared to me.


holy reflection? muspell (evasion)?

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1000 ABS VS 1000 DEF, whichone you'd choose?


it depends what is damage formula? Atm it seems 1000 abs = 1000 abs and 1000 def = 1000 def + 100 abs.

So you get more for def but what good is it?

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i doubt VL in realmpt only add HP.. u can be a superhero with VL in this server..

with my 120 pikeman is impossible to lvl up in ad1 without vl.. also ft1 and ft2... but with vl, bring them up!! my pike is almost a mech tanking everything..


i dont remember the formula of HP / ABS / DEF count.. but one depends of the other.. try to have a lot of abs and def always

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Defense is what makes you tank over those places


Proof? Check higher lvl atas. Do they have 200 abs? No. But their agility add a lot of defense, they can tank ft2 easily



But on def X abs, we're talking about how much def & abs?

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Defense is what makes you tank over those places


Proof? Check higher lvl atas. Do they have 200 abs? No. But their agility add a lot of defense, they can tank ft2 easily



But on def X abs, we're talking about how much def & abs?


Then damage goes through def first then abs? If it doesnt get past defense then abs has nothing to reduce? Or should chose 1000 def over 1000 abs for PvE?

But PvP is totaly different.

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1000 x 1000 I'd take abs lol


On PvP the abs don't work fully, it's abs/3

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oh lol thanks Gogg, I didnt mean to hijack Wartaleeo's thread but hes my clan leader :) TheForgotten. And everyone else thank you youve helped answer lotsa ??'s more help is always appreciated :)

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1000 ABS VS 1000 DEF, whichone you'd choose?

+1, abs of course

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dont try to choose with impossible compare


in real u can got 4xxx-6xxx def

and abs 2xx-3xx abs


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