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Help me understand costumes

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OK so I bought a dracula costume for PRS, thinking it will ADD defense to my character that already has a robe, but then notice it didn't change anything... does it replace the robe or it is supposed to add defense? 



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32 minutes ago, chocokiss said:

OK so I bought a dracula costume for PRS, thinking it will ADD defense to my character that already has a robe, but then notice it didn't change anything... does it replace the robe or it is supposed to add defense? 



it is a costume lol. it is just a skin if you have it on and your actual robe. when you take your robe off, the costume will take place in use

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Everything u wear on the costume slot will not add its atribuites and you can only wear one armor/robe at a time so choose wisely what’s best for your character, you can’t add defense/abs between armors or costumes.

the costume slot is basically for wearing any costume of your like without loosing your tank hability (by wearing ur main armor/robe)

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