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Map when you are dead

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Have sandurr taken away so that you can get the map up after you are dead?

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haha Okej =) Then why not take away the teleporting when you die so that player could decide when to leave field

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haha Okej =) Then why not take away the teleporting when you die so that player could decide when to leave field

which would allow u to leech dead chars.


No more leeching dead chars

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I se no difference leeching a dead char to a live one!!


but doing nothing.. but gaining xp..


so if ya gonna take map away.. just fix it where ya cant leech at all!!!!!


if a char is in a map.. and does nothing for xx amount of time...


it transport to home city!!!!


i think leeching dead chars.. is same as.. using a ubber high char to tank.. just standing there!!


so be real .. ya can leech or just not at all!!

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Leeching an alive char you got to find a way to keep it alive while playing, leeching dead one you just let it die anywhere near the spawn, or even in the middle of the spawn, and leech


You can stop leeching, but you can make it harder

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if you dont want them to leech the just boot them.. stop the leechin its just a click away

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It's not hard at all to let a leecher over a rock everywhere close to the spawn, with another afk prs vling.


Indeed leeching is crappy even on alive chars. If leeching ends, It will make it easier to find a party, because you won't find anyone leeching. in your party, and ppl will need more ppl in theirs (mainly prs).


If you ask me, my suggestion would be to auto remove from party when 1 char is doing nothing for a few seconds while any other in the party xping in the field, and for 5 minutes in any city.


Also make vl only castable to party member (if it isn't already).


in order to have afk prs you will have to re-party it every time vl ends. Would be funny.


Will make things harder as well.

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I let my noob ata leech as well, but as soon as someone wants to party me I either throw my ata out or give the spawn to said person... Or I make sure I get a spawn that nobody ever uses. For the same reason why I hate it when ppl solo all the time - we should be enjoying the game together, being a loner in a popular spawn and/or hs is just selfish, imho.


But maybe that was slightly off-topic? ._.

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I let my noob ata leech as well, but as soon as someone wants to party me I either throw my ata out or give the spawn to said person... Or I make sure I get a spawn that nobody ever uses. For the same reason why I hate it when ppl solo all the time - we should be enjoying the game together, being a loner in a popular spawn and/or hs is just selfish, imho.


But maybe that was slightly off-topic? ._.


no i agree.. i always let people pt with me if im in the spawn by myself. and it sux when you try to pt them and they would let you. but yeah it is kind off topic hahaha

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I guess we're going to another subject now but at the leech thing.


I think Eduardo's idea's should be seriously considered, When A char is standing still for about 30 seconds? 1 minute? It get's autokicked from a party.. that would atleast make leeching a bitch, and if people would still leach they will have to use a macro which is illegal~

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do u think fighters will ever get a pt?


Good ONE bro, best quote  in a day  ;)

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do u think fighters will ever get a pt?




their AOE is terrible


you just gotta be lucky to get into parties

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i don't find leeching is a bad thing. u have to suffer for a low xp when u are leeching is at the same as partying many people. it's up to you after all.

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u can still leech a dead character just gotta hit M before u die instead of waiting till ur dead


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