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reg field doesn't even need to regen anything to be real honest... 


it could simply enable healing + grand healing + ressurection automatic cast every 1s while in reg field for all party members inside reg field's range and the only thing to escale in reg field is the duration time itself.


ofc we would still need to link healing and grand healing to priestess total final status considering all equips, mix and agings, forces and other powerups... 


aswel link part of ressurection success rate with priest total status.. 


and now imagine it still gives like +2 attack speed for all party so that when priest enter reg field the total party DPS is increased instead of decreased due to that prs stop attacking to cast reg field ? 


ofc balance all that with cd and cast time corretly... so that in case the priest does no effort to help kill monsters while reg field is on cooldown the party will be messed up due to almost -1 killer, and in case she does cast meteors or vigor balls aswel extintion constantly the party will remain healthy and killing good... 


that would still make all the logic and be the utimate supporting wartale exclusive skill


like that we would have one support skill which when used causes a party to have greater DPS... interesting huh? a healing skill resulting in dmg boost... 

Edited by MadTale
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9 hours ago, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:

-Don't try to convice me that regen field is not a mule skil



I'm not trying to convince you bro. I'm explaining my point of view. And thanks, you're the first that came to discuss instead of threat me or insult ?


9 hours ago, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:

Also, still doesn't explain why would the skill give 200 hp regen to priest ( since always), if she can't recieve 1 damage hit.


Simple,  because she's in the regen field area too.

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