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Question Bout ERAGON..!

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It's not a bad thing, in theory. Unfortunately, as just pointed out, it relies on a lot of luck unless you're in a clan and have friends to help you out. I'm new and pretty much know no one. Add to that the fact that I speak neither Portugese nor Vietnamese (nor Spanish for that matter), and it makes me pretty much a persona non grata. Wanna place a bet on how well my shot at the quest would work out if I had to do it after everyone else is done?


Exactly, I've already seen people shouting that they need a full group for Eragon. While it should be group encouraged, maybe its stats or difficulty should be based on the number of players in the room. You simply won't get full groups of 8 after another week or two, making it impossible for newcomers later on.

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I said I would wait till the wave of ppl died a bit until doing t5... So I did, and I ended up standing at the door alone, I had to call for ppl in trade chat. First someone came whom I couldn't party with (he must have been 8x or so.. :(), then a pike came and we ended up fighting Eragon with just the two of us... And then he died <_<

The chances of finding a full party for eragon have dropped drastically now D: It's a problem...

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I went to him on lvl 92 with a lvl 84 friend of mine :D we almost survived the full 20minues, then there was something wrong w/ my pots and I died :D so did he btw... R.I.P.

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Patch 3196 ain't released yet and it should be easier for 8x's to battle Eragon after that... is just a few days late.

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Even if it was 4 or 6 or 10, it wont work lol

After everyone gets there tire 5, all new people will be screwed because there will be no one to help them.


Basically you be back to the same problem, someone new joins server, gets to lv 80, gets killed bunch of times trying it solo, quits the game.

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Well, I suppose throwing in 8 different versions and spawn one of appropriate difficulty based on the number of players in the room would be an okay solution. It's not exactly perfect since some classes have distinct advantages over others in a one on one situation, but at least they'll get a chance. The current dragon is way too hard even for a full part of level 80 players, but even if that is corrected, the problem of empty parties remain unless something is done.

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I'am new on this server but,


I think this Quest NEED to be so Hard.


Hey ppl, wake up! We are talking about Tier 5. NO ONE HAVE TIER 5!!!


We have tier 5 and we need to do this quest so hard. New players will able to wait a good team to kill him.


Wartale, conservate the value of this quest. It need to be VERY HARD!

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