Stupid G 0 Report post Posted August 31, 2019 GM Does not Respect Players , When not Clear Gifts ReSolVed Quickly . Very Disappointing! -If I'm the one who made the mistake or violated the rules of the game then i readay to accept - In this case , the WRONG person is NOT ME but the PENALTY is me - Please ask Where the Players are fair???? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wartale 7,375 Report post Posted August 31, 2019 Hi there, Please be advised that you did not get penalty until making this post. Seller has made a mistake for leaving an item on account and have asked you to return it, instead of being nice and return you have chosen to keep it. On top of that when we take it back you are making this topic. Instead of learning from mistake you are keep login multiple account to talk bad on trade chat. You can now take a break from game and learn how to play nice. Regards, Wartale 1 1 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites