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About FS In PVP

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Hello all good ? I noticed something in BC about FS, all chars have a considerable hit with regard to pvp block well defend well etc ... and hit a lot of damage, playing from FS realized that does not hit, fs hits and always the evade etc, but the other classes hit all hits I do not use drax but considering that many do not use either I can not understand why the FS misses so much, some tell me it is because his hp is high he has to receive damage etc. ... but I disagree when the point is fs take damage even with good defense a considerable abs and a good hp fs gets hit kill, has char that hits almost 3k damage while fs doesn't even hit 1 hit from DT. I thought it was just me, but I've been observing that it happens to others too. There are moments when I use 5 AC to hit 1 hit and hardly believe using ax, I have difficulty hitting damage on PS KS MS SS AS ... but if I get a much stronger opponent being FS if I hit DT with 1 hit ... I don't think it's normal, but I leave it to check, Thanks ...

My status with AXE 2H https://prnt.sc/p5a1gr

and 1H https://prnt.sc/p5a19q

Edited by zecaajp

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i there that there is  an AR bug in fs.


Fs has low atk rating, but has a big bonus % adding while using bone crush or AC.

but since you don't actually "see" the bonus in stats, that's what make it "buggy"


like if i have 2k atk rtg vs 5k defense opponent ofcourse i will miss, even the "unseen" 60% atk rating with bone crush.

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -


21 minutes ago, Dior said:

i there that there is  an AR bug in fs.


Fs has low atk rating, but has a big bonus % adding while using bone crush or AC.

but since you don't actually "see" the bonus in stats, that's what make it "buggy"


like if i have 2k atk rtg vs 5k defense opponent ofcourse i will miss, even the "unseen" 60% atk rating with bone crush.

AC AR boost is based on weapon, so, it's not that big =p Anyway, since it gives a lot of Crit, it's kinda balanced, i suppose.

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it doen't give a lot of critical at all.


fs critical is the lowest of all..

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6 hours ago, Dior said:

it doen't give a lot of critical at all.


fs critical is the lowest of all..


Indeed, axes has low critical chance. Otherwise using sword u have around 70% critical using DT, and around 55% critical using AC, that's not low (knights for example has the same critical chance of AC [with swod] when using Double Crash).


Of course that percentage is about the hits u don't miss against the opponent, so you can handle to increase your attack rating.


Edited by Hurricane

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I really liked your opinion, in fact the criticism of fs is balanced with respect to your skills, which puzzles me, is that the damage takes a long time to hit (this in pvp), for example fs with 2k of AR beats 2 a 4 AC misses almost all hits, an MS with same AR for example (could be another class ...) hits 1 Hit and is almost 100% accurate and almost always critical. a pvp of fs against shaman is very unbalanced, shaman defends a lot, fs rarely hits shaman and shaman hits always hit poor fs. xD But I make it clear I'm talking about pvp in hunt fs hits well.

Sorry my english, I use translator because I don't speak english. TYY

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I think FS it's kinda balanced on pvp. Maybe you're just trying to kill players with high level difference from you. The biggest problem for FS pvp i guess it's that really take too many hits (due to lack of evade or other defensive factors like extra block or reducing damage), so you usually need a little extra health points.


With similar level and items I think you are perfectly able to kill a shaman :D


Still, FS is one of the classes with lowest attack and defense rating. Also, DT doesn't add attack rating, wich is a problem to hit most of the classes... It's hard to hit more than 1/3.

Edited by Hurricane

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just see pvp tournament 10x in videos section.. champion is fs.. ?

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