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Question for those who play in Shadow Sanctuary

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Does the map (and dark sanctuary as well, because it started happening in there at the same time SS was released) lag for everyone or is it just me and my less than stellar desktop computer?  I am on a LAN connection and every other map runs smooth as silk.  Its just since SS was released, Dark and Shadow Sancs lag really badly for me.  I was wondering if they lagged for everyone else or if I just need a computer upgrade.

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
1 hour ago, jcompher said:

I just need a computer upgrade

Problably, since Shadow sanc added new types of effects & shapes to the game, some computers might not work that well...try to set everything on low texture, no shadows, no effects & no dynamic lights.

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Here even in low settings I fell in shadow sanctuary a different kind of lag like more intense than other maps

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I think its the computer

I have a 4 years old pc but build strong, no lags even not in HG


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2 hours ago, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:

Problably, since Shadow sanc added new types of effects & shapes to the game, some computers might not work that well...try to set everything on low texture, no shadows, no effects & no dynamic lights.

Yeah I have all those turned off.  The computer is about 6 years old and it was an simple inexpensive one to begin with,

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1 hour ago, smadarkaki said:

I think its the computer

I have a 4 years old pc but build strong, no lags even not in HG


Mine is about 6 years old but it wasn't built for gaming to begin with.

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if you're using nvdia GPU i do highly recommend to download the nvdia geforce experience and update everything u can through the app...  


that thing made miracles for me in therms of video and even audio a few times... 


also search in youtube how to down and install driverbooster pro 2019 for free and upgrade everything it shows availale to update. 

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4 hours ago, Jody222 said:

LAN connection....

you know what i mean.  im not on wifi i am actually hard wired into my router.  i stay connected for weeks without DCing.

Edited by jcompher

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2 hours ago, Coyote said:

Hi. Test it. Good luck.



I dont have a particles folder.... ?‍♀️

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
4 minutes ago, jcompher said:

I dont have a particles folder.... ?‍♀️

it's occult, you need to set your Pc to see occult folders.

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7 minutes ago, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:

it's occult, you need to set your Pc to see occult folders.

My pc is set to show hidden folders... still isnt there.

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Yeah, Shadow Sanc uses alot of new tech that maybe isn’t perfectly optimized for older machines (yet).


Now you could delete or move to another folder the file: game/assets/particles.xpk


But this file might be recreated in a later patch.


But do try anyway and let us know if it improves it for you. So we can work towards a better solution.


And yeah, like MadTale says, make sure to upgrade your Nvidia drivers through Geforce Experience app.

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17 minutes ago, Wartale said:

Now you could rename game/assets/particles.xpk

When u say rename, u mean to "particlesZ.xpk"

Another question, if that file is renamed, the folder game/particles should be rename too to particlesZ?

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1 hour ago, knightawc said:

When u say rename, u mean to "particlesZ.xpk"

Another question, if that file is renamed, the folder game/particles should be rename too to particlesZ?


There shouldn't be that folder anymore as its not used. And oh yeah I forgot you have to delete the file, not rename it, renaming won’t work. You can move it out of that folder too. You’ll know if it worked if you don’t see fires anymore in Shadow Sanc.

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There might be other reasons to why you're facing some frame drops:

Extended camera view range
Since Shadow Sanctuary have better textures with more advanced particle and lighting effects, rendering the map from afar might impact your performance a lot more than on regular maps.



Some monsters have new effects, like already posted by Wartale, that aren't quite optmized yet. You can try to turn Effects off so you see if it reduces the frame drop / increases overall FPS.

Playing around 30 FPS is completely doable, if the FPS doesn't fluctuate.


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