Wartale 7,374 Report post Posted October 4, 2019 Changelog Patch 5100: Added Attack Speed, Critical, Block and Evade to stats on character info (C). Added Profane Crystal. Spawns Shadow Sanctuary monsters, drops in Shadow Sanctuary. Added Centlon Crystal. Drops from Centlon. Added Ice Serpent Crystal, Nihil Crystal and Bakan Crystal. Added new casting animation for Mechanician skill Gravitation. Added boss monsters during Crystal Boss Hours for Ice Goblin Crystal, Hell Hound Crystal, Igolation Crystal, Ice Serpent Crystal, Nihil Crystal and Bakan Crystal. Added a notice for when Loot Locker is on. Remade image for Hell Hound Crystal and Igolation Crystal. Fixed Witch Lord as a pet bugging monsters from giving drops and exp. Fixed environmental damage not working in Hell's Gate. Fixed a bug where Phoenix pet appears on a monster/NPC. Enjoy Wartale! ^^ 9 1 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites