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Serious question (no spam)

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When will this new patch be added?


Seriously alot of people just can't finish their eragon quest becouse it's to hard!. I've been in party's with 10x ppls, even 11x ppls dieing against it...


Most party's die in the battle against the eragon, This has to be fixed asap D:


And don't spam all you're opinions here -_- I'm waiting for a gm to answer so anyone can see what we're up to

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Imo its fine, it should be hard

Should be hard for a 8x


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Imo its fine, it should be hard

It's not hard, it's impossible. This quest was made for lvl80+ players, not 120+

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i havent tried it on other characters but i know i solod it on my 125 fs...

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The quest isn't very realistic to begin with, you won't get 8 people continuously needing t5 rankup. You already saw after like a week people were already having trouble getting 8 members. Definitely should be made easier, curious myself to when this patch is supposed to be out [delayed over 1 week already]

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Unfortunately Wartale isn't around cause he had a serious syphilis problem, be patient and lets wish a quick recovery to him.

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He's online now, patch planned to Saturday 14th.

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Unfortunately Wartale isn't around cause he had a serious syphilis problem, be patient and lets wish a quick recovery to him.


I gues from now on he'll use condom in one-night stands  :P

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Condoms won't necessarily keep you safe from syphilis, but it's good advice in general nontheless.

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