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Maintain unpublished changes?

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My Prs only has 122 Bsm wand. Before the maintenance, I used the archer to weaken the monster's 95% health, and then use Prs to kill the monster to complete the SSQ faster.
But just now I found that it is no longer possible to continue this operation. No matter how I kill the monster, I can't finish 1/5.
Later, it was only difficult to kill the monsters completely with Prs alone.
Is this a BUG? Still a new amendment, but not announced?
For Prs, this is a nightmare!



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He probably put in an amount of HP that each char needs to remove from monsters to receive the dogtag.


In fact the best thing would be to equip your Prs with better atk item.



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7 minutes ago, Palhacitos said:

He probably put in an amount of HP that each char needs to remove from monsters to receive the dogtag.


In fact the best thing would be to equip your Prs with better atk item.



need > 50% HP? 

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I haven't had time to test this yet.

But I think that's what he did.

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4 minutes ago, Palhacitos said:

I haven't had time to test this yet.

But I think that's what he did.

ty, Very sad change. .

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59 minutes ago, Senpai said:

Nothing should've changed in this remark.

? so it really is a bug.

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14 hours ago, Senpai said:

Nothing should've changed in this remark.

I am running now, looking for undead. Maybe I should strengthen my staff.

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If the first attacker does more than ~40% of the damage to the monster the first attacker gets the kill even if someone else did the final hit. This has been the case since before the maintenance.

Edited by Senpai

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13 minutes ago, Senpai said:

If the first attacker does more than ~40% of the damage to the monster the first attacker gets the kill even if someone else did the final hit. This has been the case since before the maintenance.

So how could we get the Tags just using Muspell? I doubt he can do more than 40% of dmg in SS.


Also, I used to hunt with full health mech and archer, the archer always finished her Q fiirst, then I let my mech do the final hit to get the Dog Tag, and it always worked for me.

Edited by Lyseria

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -
9 minutes ago, Lyseria said:

So how could we get the Tags just using Muspell? I doubt he can do more than 40% of dmg in SS.


Also, I used to hunt with full health mech and archer, the archer always finished her Q fiirst, then I let my mech do the final hit to get the Dog Tag, and it always worked for me.

I think it's because muspell and magnetic sphere are always attacking mobs. He meant that the first attacker should deal 40% damage without any external damage source,since muspell/Magnetic hits before you do 40% dmg, Prs/Ms can see the drops

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I think the OP is saying he is attacking with her/his archer first and doing 95% damage, and then last 5% with Priestess. This wouldn't work.

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That's how they taught me.
 I don't know it still Works.
HP must be orange rather than red to finish it.


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That't the thing over the years the way how items drop has changed, there were updates changing the drop mechanics, the problem is we are still vague on this issue, especially when we have so many skills from all the classes, and that add to the problem of "how does the items drop?",

"how do I get my quest done for my second character?",

"how the fuck I can't get last hit?",

"how the fuck somebody just came and got the loot?",

"how the fuck I cannot see any drop when I was the first here since boss spawn?",

"how the fuck I only see some of the drops but not all?",

"how the fuck I click on the drop but I didn't get it?",

"how the fuck someone came at last minute is able to see all drops?", 


and then on top of all those questions, there isn't a transparent Game Guide explaining this shit, like if you go to <Game Guides> <Guides> <Beginner Know-How>, there isn't a drop mechanic explanation, BUT we have the <Gold Drop> under <Beginner Know-How>, how about we have <Item Drop> under <Beginner Know-How> too? or do we have one already? because I don't see a drop mechanic explanation under <Game Guides>, 


anyway I don't care though, boss is too monopoly didn't bother to participate, but I mean since PT is released back in the days, boss drop mechanic is always bothering players, a lot of times hunting boss is frustrating and infuriating.. lol, especially now since the higher the map level, the longer to kill that specific map boss, wasting hours killing hundreds of high level map boss without getting anything, no exp, no drop, is stupid in my opinion, even exp-ing in Garden of Freedom at least give you some exp, 


EDIT: damn I got off-track, the topic is about second character getting the quest done, anyway dropping the Dog Tag quest item works similar way too, it's probably a drop too, you somehow has to last hit and doing some damage over a certain period of time for it to work, well boss drop mechanic and quest drop mechanic works pretty similar I believe, anyway sorry I got off-track, but should be same logic, 

Edited by ForYeri

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