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it look like same between 2 server in feature detail(from Wartale develop both)

it's possible to include between 2 server(if Wartale ,Sjored and Staffs agreed)


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i see, i thought unique world gonna up level faster than real one -_-

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in unique theres diff weapons and they have diff lvl req xp i think its the same and items are more xpensive in unique but in et3 u can normally get 114 items bellums and less oredos and 116 - 120 drops, in unique mixes give u a lot more advantage than in realm, i think aging is a lot easier in unique, in unique some quests are bugged in realm not, only realm have beta test for T5 and realm got events earlier and better than unique, in unique events take more time to start and sometimes with bug or less options or items who doesnt work there, staff is diff ofc but Wartale is the same for both and also donation is cheaper in realm, i think u need to test which one fits u the most.

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Unique world has a better pvp than Realm world, at least there, the players can take damage. But RW is better than UW imo, that's the difference, UW's pvp is better than RW's pvp, on UW, has different stats on items, and some difference also on exping


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Bellatra is amazing in Realm World.


It's hard. It's fun. It's epic.




The same sod for unique what goes for realm goes for unique too except a lil few things.


It's not the same SoD.


It's the same monsters. That means SoD sucks in Unique World 'cause the monsters I chose to use here are ridiculously weak/strong in UW.

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thanks for the information guys, I have char in Realmpt, im just curious about Unique. If it the same, there is no point to play there any more then.

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thanks for the information guys, I have char in Realmpt, im just curious about Unique. If it the same, there is no point to play there any more then.


Unique won't get tier 5 so no point playing it.

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cause when i saw their lvl ranking, i saw everyone are lvl 140, so in that moment make me think it gonna be faster than rpt xD

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cause when i saw their lvl ranking, i saw everyone are lvl 140, so in that moment make me think it gonna be faster than rpt xD


Isnt easy to get to 14x unique world rank is pure hardwork.


@sod: i was in the 1st insane sod just when server back online was exactly the same as realm and im proud to be one of the few who survived and the one who win the 1st insane sod and it was insane for real and atm inst easy at all just lowered the hp in some bosses cuz you should have to spend the whole round just to kill the boss.

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@sod: i was in the 1st insane sod just when server back online was exactly the same as realm and im proud to be one of the few who survived and the one who win the 1st insane sod and it was insane for real and atm inst easy at all just lowered the hp in some bosses cuz you should have to spend the whole round just to kill the boss.


It's not the same, mate. An Hest nearly 1-shots you here 'cause it's an hunt map mob. From what I've seen, Hests are EXP mobs in UW. That means SoD is completely different there.


You have to understand monsters have different stats here. Round 7 is hard here in Realm World, and from what I've heard it's extremely easy in Unique World.


In fact, I've seen screenshots of clan SoDs from Unique World and they tank round 8 in the center. That just proves it's not as epic as our SoD here. Clans here have to use the corner strategy at Round 8 of SoD if they want to survive. It's completely different from UW.

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UPT have open a long time more than Wartale?

it's cause lv 140 (i saw about 1x people in ranking UPT)


in early future Wartale will the same too

i saw a lot of lv 135 up player now ^^


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