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BF3 seems quite awesome btw, I might buy it when it strikes the stores :D

buy or get aids.

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Skyrim, MW3, BF3, Metal Gear Solid Rising are coming before xmas...

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Funny how you guys want to have MW3, it's gonna be soooooooo bad....

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damn, I don't have the 2010 version, i've 09 and 11, haha.


add me, we can play other games together.. I'm planning to start on CoD, but I simply suck on FPS games on joystick.

good luck getting cod running after that retarded update which fucked everything up


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You may like to think that I am one of the people who hates Black Ops because I love quick scoping. Well, that is quite the opposite really. I have never been good at quick scoping, never will be. I am usually a run and gun type of person. I really hate the games Treyarch made because the online gameplay has really sucked bawls! With W@W, the MP40 was just was too overpowered, and you had little noobs using that, and only that. In Black Ops, well, I have never before had so much of an issue playing a game online. It's not just me as well. I have a bunch of friends who have it, and hate it too. Always getting kicked from lobbies, about to join a match and lag like hell then the match closes. Be in a party and be the only one who doesn't make it into the lobby every single time. Plus, the color schemes for me aren't really that good on W@W and BO. It's not that I'm a hard core fan of Infinity Ward, I just happen to like the games they have made over the ones Treyarch has made.

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True blackops is kinda network fkd.


But waw was in my opinion actually pretty good, didn't really notice the "overpowered" mp40 since there are enough weapons to compete. It's just how you play.


Just like treyarch games also MW2 has overpowered guns like UMP45 :P


anyways I like em all :3

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The UMP is slightly overpowered, but honestly, I don't see as many people using it as I once saw people using the MP40 on W@W. It really depends on your skill level. I like to use the UMP when I all out run n gun, but sometimes I will swap out for the P90. But I also use the M16 a lot.


BTW Rkokie, do you play mw2 online quite frequently? Also, do you prefer Hard Core to the regular modes?

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True blackops is kinda network fkd.


But waw was in my opinion actually pretty good, didn't really notice the "overpowered" mp40 since there are enough weapons to compete. It's just how you play.


Just like treyarch games also MW2 has overpowered guns like UMP45 :P


anyways I like em all :3


I cant even run blackops, it freezes at first loading screen.. it even killed my old phat version's driver it seems to be related to the 3,60 update

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