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What error?

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Hi Wartale,

Today i go hunt boss Centlon with 2 account, and get notice



What happened?



This topic, i play only prs go hunt boss and get same notice. You say "Also if you join with more than 1 account on same PC and IP then you will only see it on one account." and i don't see any thing.

Edited by thunga

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1 hour ago, thunga said:

What happened?

It happened exactly what the message says.

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Hi there,


This has nothing to do with technical issue or bug so I will move it to Townsquare. The message tell you what happen when you login more than 1 account to hunt boss and it is not an error.



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Yes, i play 2 account MS+PRS, u can see in picture. But when boss died i don't get chance lotto.

I think make video for u see.

Thank you

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2 hours ago, thunga said:

Yes, i play 2 account MS+PRS, u can see in picture. 

This happens because you're not dealing enough damage on Centlon.

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2 hours ago, Lyseria said:

This happens because you're not dealing enough damage on Centlon.

if not enough damage u don't see any notice. i try it with 1 prs use xmas wand :D

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So you didn't joined the roll with the mech?


I'm a bit confused about the main subject of your topic. ?


if I understood, you went to Centlon with your mech and prs and joined the roll with the mech only, and got that message on the screenshot with your prs, is that right?

Edited by Lyseria

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8 minutes ago, Lyseria said:

So you didn't joined the roll with the mech?


I'm a bit confused about the main subject of your topic. ?


if I understood, you went to Centlon with your mech and prs and joined the roll with the mech only, and got that message on the screenshot with your prs, is that right?

yes, i play ms with attack boss, my prs is support skill VL and divine.

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As the message says, you can only join the roll with one account. That's why your prs didn't joined. ?


Sometimes the roll comes to your prs if she's in the party and not for your mech. But if you deal enough damage it's guaranteed 1 acc in the roll.

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yes but i don't see join the roll with 1 in 2 account. If i not enough damage i can't see notice Loot Lotto :(.

That's why your prs didn't joined. Yes my prs don't need but why my ms can't join?


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I think he’s confused cuz he received the message by both chars.

There must be 1 char not receiving that message despite that char has enough dmg or not. That’s the point he wants to claim.


And also in his previous topic, he said he only join the game with prs but still got the message about one-character rule. It’s not about the dmg dealed.

Edited by ximuoi9795

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yes but i don't see join the roll with 1 in 2 account.



If i not enough damage i can't see notice Loot Lotto :(.





Please be advised:

  • This is not a bug, you have to do more than 5% damage on boss in order to see the lotto system.
  • Also if you join with more than 1 account on same PC and IP then you will only see it on one account.
  • Login in 3 servers with 3 difference accounts is count as multiple login as it is violate the rule 1 account per PC/IP
  • We do not click on any link provided by user.


so your problem is you should get to roll on 1 account, but none of the accounts get to join the roll? need greater than 5% damage on boss to join the roll, ask for party, if all parties are full, just change server, or quit, 


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