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S> fighter lvl 105

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Name: lummel


fs shadow axe lv/1 +9

fs dragon armor +9

fs relic axe lv/1 old dev mix

fs dragon shield clean / fs titan shield +8

fs rune boots old mirage mix

fs angel gauntlets old dev mix

fs titan brace lv/1 clean


sell it for prs kelvezu amulet + prs valento ring + prs dark god sheltom


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i offer a prs dark god sheltom or a prs kelvezu amulet for your fighter.  Ill donate for which ever one you choose so it will be perfect.(I think the dark god sheltom is almost worth two vrings but if you would rather have the ammy Ill donate for it 8) )

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i offer a prs dark god sheltom or a prs kelvezu amulet for your fighter.  Ill donate for which ever one you choose so it will be perfect.(I think the dark god sheltom is almost worth two vrings but if you would rather have the ammy Ill donate for it 8) )

New c/o :) (ill choose the dark god sheltom :D)

a/w is all three (1 kel amulet prs + 1 val ring prs + 1 dark god sheltom prs)

I don't know when it close yet.

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~bump~ :D

the a/w isnt that much, think about if you wanna donate a char from 1-100 its 124 euro donation. And thats without any items. Those 3 things together cost 73 euro donation. I really hope to see some1 offering a/w, i dont know if i will sell it for 1 dgs.

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[_CYREU_][" post=23505" timestamp="1265328230]

never sell



I have donated the amount agreed on , waiting for sandurr to confirm 8)


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