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A seven-day diary of a new player

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Level progress: 100~110 (I'm getting there guys o/)


How was it?: You see, when you hit level 100, basically all you have to do is complete the quests. You'll have available many quests to be done during theses levels. Just do all of them when you can, they really boost the process. Most quests take place in Land of Chaos (you can get there through the portals in Ricarten and Pillai). They're not difficult, however depeding on what class you play, you may have to bring some crystals to assist in battle (just buy Blizzard Crystals or any others that you can drop along the way). Of course, you need to use Moon Hunter to help your leveling too. This tatic should get you to 110 without much trouble.


Positive aspects: The quests are simple and have a good reward of exp. Also, because of this reason, you don't need to be in the same map killing mobs for many hours as it'd be boring after a while. The player has a sense of progression in the game. I mean, 10 levels in just one day is something really nice to achieve.


Negative aspects: Well, once again I feel obligated to say this... IT SUCKS YOU CAN'T FIND GEAR FOR YOUR CHARACTER. I know this is normal and all, bacause of how long the server has been around, but I think something should be done about this matter (I'll post a suggestion I have about this later). The reason I'm pointing this out is because I believe new players may quit the game for this, which is really sad as this problem could be solve without harming old players/high levels.


That's it for today. Hope you guys are enjoying!



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Level progress: 110~113 


How was it?: Ok... I guess. I manage to kill all 100 mobs in Endless Tower 1 with the help of crystals, so that quest isn't much of a problem. However, when I tried to do the daily quest in Forgotten Temple 1 was impossible. I've always played as archer and nothing has changed in relation to this. The problem is, even if I builded as tanky as I possible can with this character, I'd still not be able to do it solo. It's terrible. So what people have to do? Create a character to help their main character get through leveling. Hate this meta.


Positive aspects: The progress is still going well. I believe so far it doesn't take long to level up.


Negative aspects: The realization that you can't play solo depeding on what character you choose. This is something @Wartale should really have a look at. Either by decreasing the mobs damage, or creating new dailies that allow players to do them solo without the need of having multiple accounts. I would'nt be saying this if I could team up with someone and finish the current quest, but I can't because there are no players doing it.



Edited by sTyLoBalaa
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I helped you today haha. 

Keep the good content!


Please no help, DON'T HELP.


This is his journey as a new player, many new player started solo without asking helps from anyone else, because they know no one else. Please don't ever help him, the only map that you started to see players party up is Lv132 DI quests, so before he reaches Lv132 I would love to see how he suffer and torture himself, as always I wonder how a solo player achieve that emotionally and technically, 



Well, once again I feel obligated to say this... IT SUCKS YOU CAN'T FIND GEAR FOR YOUR CHARACTER

Exactly, the essence of Peestone Tale is the playing around with gears, as low level you can't find your own gears at your own level, and no one is gonna sell them at Ares, and because of aging cost, and the cost of sapphia to mature aging progress, new players don't get to play around with aging gears at low level, which kills all the fun at low level for new solo players,



The realization that you can't play solo depeding on what character you choose. This is something @Wartale should really have a look at. Either by decreasing the mobs damage, or creating new dailies that allow players to do them solo without the need of having multiple accounts.

pointed out so many times and so many suggestions made, some classes just cannot reach Lv132 solo, it's not matter of slow or fast to reach Lv132, it's too hard for some classes to solo up to Lv132 that becomes near impossible, decreasing mob damage, decreasing mob health point, create daily for solo low level players, especially for certain classes, all these balancing, and even more suggestions in the past decade, no one cares, if you ask me, I think solo players will either give up and quit or donate to buy levels, from coinshop or exp-service or higher level accounts, either ways,



I would'nt be saying this if I could team up with someone and finish the current quest, but I can't because there are no players doing it.

exactly, the loneliness and hardship to reach Lv132 solo,


anyway I replied because someone also replied xD 




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Level progress: 113~114 (I could barely play today xP)


How was it?: Not much to say here. I was able to complete the daily quest and did some more moon hunting. That's how you get exp in these levels.


Positive aspects: Leveling is still easy, you don't need to spend many hours to level your character.


Negative aspects: After the player finishes doing the daily quests... what should he do to level up? You can't do much here. Because I either keep leveling in maps like FT1 and FT2 (which takes forever) or I need to wait 15min until sunset to get some exp/money by killing mobs during the night. Something could be done here, such as another quest could be implemented or even turn the already existing one into repeatable but with a few exp changes so it doesn't get too easy.


Hello, @Lucas Bailo,


It's true, friend. hahaha It was nice to have someone to level up with me. Hope we can do it again!


Hello, @ForYeri,


He did'nt "help" me. We both needed to finish the quest so we decided to do it together. Nice, huh? Oh, and I totally agree with everything else you said. Hopefully, @Wartale will have a look at this post.



Edited by sTyLoBalaa
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Hello friends,


I know that I'd still have a few days to post here, but I believe I can summarize everything I need to say in this one post. After you reach level 115 or something around that, you're pretty much stuck to waiting for daily quests to reset in order to do them again and again. The gap between 115 and 120 is quite boring I must say. I recommend you to do all the dailies you can and keep using Moon Hunter to assist in both money and exp. Once you hit level 120 things will get much more insteresting. Since I really enjoy the server, I'll definitely continue playing it. So, you guys can expect more posts from me. hahaha



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Welcome to the server.
I hope you enjoy and play for many years ??

Edited by Palhacitos

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Oh, just one last note here. I've been playing on this server for exactly a week now. I managed to get level 119 and made 750kk (only by doing Moon Hunter). I felt I needed to give some details to any person who was interested to know how far I progressed in the game. Thanks friends.

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57 minutes ago, sTyLoBalaa said:

Oh, just one last note here. I've been playing on this server for exactly a week now. I managed to get level 119 and made 750kk (only by doing Moon Hunter). I felt I needed to give some details to any person who was interested to know how far I progressed in the game. Thanks friends.

I really enjoyed to read your journey. Thank u for this! ? 


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1 hour ago, sTyLoBalaa said:

Oh, just one last note here. I've been playing on this server for exactly a week now. I managed to get level 119 and made 750kk (only by doing Moon Hunter). I felt I needed to give some details to any person who was interested to know how far I progressed in the game. Thanks friends.

119 and 750kk, thats very good!

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Thanks for the amazing diary. Quick question... Where do you find Moon Hunter? Doesn't seem like people are selling much of it.

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Hello, @alido2boord,


That's weird... I think I've never had a problem finding this item in Ricarten. For the past week I've been seing people sell this item quite frequently. Oh, and I'm glad you enjoyed my posts!


Hello, @netto94,


Thanks for the comment, friend. Happy to hear it.


Hello, @Jody222,


Yes, I think I did ok for a beginner. hahaha



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@sTyLoBalaa I found some. ? Sorry for being newbie despite being lvl 110. Took me a long time to get here. Haha. What maps work with moon hunt? I tried it in mystery desert 3 and I did not find any mini monsters.


Edited by alido2boord

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It works on all maps except exp maps. Places like Mystery Desert 1, 2 and 3 and Forgotten Temple 1 and 2 won't work.



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1 hour ago, alido2boord said:

@sTyLoBalaa I found some. ? Sorry for being newbie despite being lvl 110. Took me a long time to get here. Haha. What maps work with moon hunt? I tried it in mystery desert 3 and I did not find any mini monsters.


work only in HUNT maps. the best options for farm is in the HS of Oasis, Battlefield of ancients and cursed land. try always in the bigger hs of any map, bewere cause moon hunt work in maps like ct3 and dead island and if u have it on your party won't like a bit ? 



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Just stating some obvious points, you gotta go at night and if they don't spawn when you are physically there when it turns to night, you may want to clear out the current batch of monsters first. They should appear after

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hi, thank you for your input. im a seasonal player, been playing on and off, mostly off. your post inspired me to do the same thing, but trying to see the game through the eyes of someone who have never played before and figured the top private server would give a better experience than the original one, as with most older mmorpgs from the earlly 2000s.


i started the game with the help papyrus on the top left corner popping up and the dragon speech. there is no next button or anything that indicates it, you have to click on the X for the next pop up to appear. after they're done, you're left to wonder what to do next. i pressed the quest button down in the hud, the quest book indeed showed up. but only one quest was available, the one from lvl one. there is no tracker to show where the npc was, but thats ok, the tutorial told me to go around town talk to npcs.


the other quests didnt show up. nothing indicating me where to go. i would have never on my own figured i could use the initial money from the quest to buy crystals and use them, knowing what they do, on mystery forest 1, the place with biggest exp ratio at level 1.


i would like to also use this post to suggest these changes on the begginer levels, im trying this with other mmos back in those days to see if there is any that follows a more helpful approach you see in modern mmos.

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -

i think he already quit the game... but what he said is really important for newcomers, hopefully the staff will improve the 1- 144 grinding.

Edited by - D E A T H S T R O K E -

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I've been having a similar experience. I'm also a seasonal player, and every now and then I like to start over with new characters and classes. I'm currently 11x with six different classes and I totally stand by what he said. It sucks you are not able to find proper gear for your level (sure there are NPCs on Atlantis and Battle Town, but I'd like to suggest that NPCs could perhaps sell items and armors with spec, so you don't have to waste points on talent and agi just to reset later). I nice addition to the game would be quests with level-appropriate items as rewards: let's say when you hit 100 or 105, each part of the Item Collector quests would reward you with a piece of a full 100 or 104-106 set for your class. This could be extended to quests at lower levels as well, maybe adding these rewards to already existing quests (as the ones for Cursed Temple?).

Also, I'm being able to level my characters just because I have a mech to tank. If I were to level just him I would be fine. Just a knight, a mage or a shaman? Fine. But classes that are more fragile, as you said, struggle and even are not able to tank and proper deal at level-appropriate maps (see, my atalanta with armor cannot handle a spawn of monsters in MD2 and MD3, yet FT1!).

It is impossible to find groups at these 'lower level' maps. I'm not sure that nerfing monster damage at the lower level maps would do the trick, but it could help, even though players could feel like they're just gliding through these early levels. I would not agree to buffing armors for atalantas and archers, as they would be extremely OP (I can kill a whole spawn in FT1 with only two bomb shots with my 115 archer, sure if she could also tank it while wearing a proper armor it would all feel just too easy). I think I agree with you guys said about adding a solo version of the dailies, an easier version, that could help this leveling experience for the more fragile classes. Perhaps keeping this version exclusive to them? Or maybe creating an alternative daily quest, in a hunting-style map, where solo players can handle better using crystals and pets... This could diversify the meta, and give alternatives to players as to how to level your character.

I personally don't mind playing using multiple characters and accounts because I like this idea of controlling a party rather than just a character (huge Divinity Original Sin fan here!). But just having a choice to how you want to progress with your character would be a breath of fresh air at this 'initial experience'. 


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Hmm Hi all. Ive been playing PT on and off since euro beta, back when this was the first 3d mmorpg i came across and it blew me away. Anyways always played super casually so dont know much about the game, however i keep returning to it since it has a warm place in my heart from childhood days.

Ive been playing Wartale couple of months or so for the past 3 years and ive only reached level 124 Knight. I play solo and dont like the idea of running more than one account, Feels messy and unatural to me but I have done it few times to help my lil archer to level. Intention was to try one incase i wanted to switch but knight is just easier i guess.


I have been reading some recent posts today as I been feeling PT again, its that time of year for me again i guess. But some of the posts do make me feel lil sad. Gold has always been difficult to obtain but manageable, i usually spend a few days and weeks saving gold to buy that next piece of armour. Not a fan of costumes, think look ugly to me so i stay away from them. The gear I buy is just the standard for the level, not the best mix and almost never aged (dont feel the worth yet). Never had a boss set or anything fancy like that.


But reading this post, hats off to the OP btw. He made 110x and 750kk!! in a week, I feel like crap after reading that lol. It took me monthns to reach 124 and I never had that much nor have i tried moon hunter, never played during Halloween and 4kk on a item that works for few mins per hour, I never felt i could offord that. Bad decision my end i guess.. and is it really worth spending almost 3kk on a filter that lasts how long? i forgot. There really is just the elite way of playing this server isnt there? META its called? This is clear to me now. Not really enoyable for casual players, I understand that, The competitive players bring the cash flow in. Cant make everyone happy. But 750kk in hours of play? gosh im blown away. Is this how easily everyone else makes gold aswell? Just me doing it wrong? or is this the new 2020 current? Gear prices compeltely gone out the roof? Whats 124-130 gear cost now and boss sets?  Is there a fools guide for casuals leveling 124+ solo pretty much? link would be appreciated,

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1 hour ago, Krush said:

Hmm Hi all. Ive been playing PT on and off since euro beta, back when this was the first 3d mmorpg i came across and it blew me away. Anyways always played super casually so dont know much about the game, however i keep returning to it since it has a warm place in my heart from childhood days.

Ive been playing Wartale couple of months or so for the past 3 years and ive only reached level 124 Knight. I play solo and dont like the idea of running more than one account, Feels messy and unatural to me but I have done it few times to help my lil archer to level. Intention was to try one incase i wanted to switch but knight is just easier i guess.


I have been reading some recent posts today as I been feeling PT again, its that time of year for me again i guess. But some of the posts do make me feel lil sad. Gold has always been difficult to obtain but manageable, i usually spend a few days and weeks saving gold to buy that next piece of armour. Not a fan of costumes, think look ugly to me so i stay away from them. The gear I buy is just the standard for the level, not the best mix and almost never aged (dont feel the worth yet). Never had a boss set or anything fancy like that.


But reading this post, hats off to the OP btw. He made 110x and 750kk!! in a week, I feel like crap after reading that lol. It took me monthns to reach 124 and I never had that much nor have i tried moon hunter, never played during Halloween and 4kk on a item that works for few mins per hour, I never felt i could offord that. Bad decision my end i guess.. and is it really worth spending almost 3kk on a filter that lasts how long? i forgot. There really is just the elite way of playing this server isnt there? META its called? This is clear to me now. Not really enoyable for casual players, I understand that, The competitive players bring the cash flow in. Cant make everyone happy. But 750kk in hours of play? gosh im blown away. Is this how easily everyone else makes gold aswell? Just me doing it wrong? or is this the new 2020 current? Gear prices compeltely gone out the roof? Whats 124-130 gear cost now and boss sets?  Is there a fools guide for casuals leveling 124+ solo pretty much? link would be appreciated,

Moonhunt was nerfed. TS did 750kk back in the times where you can get 12-20 premiums a night. No longer the case now 

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