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- D E A T H S T R O K E -

Regular Pets became weaker after patch 5112

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -

Well, as we know, few updates ago monster's HP was updated and the concept of % fix Abs was totally removed, so now it's "Damage dealt as seen by the damage numbers is now true damage points."

Anyway, Wolverine, Metal Golem, Crimson Knight and Fire elemental  got their % fix ABs removed as well, BUT, their HP were kept the same, it means that they are not only useless on Shadow sanc but also much more weaker on any hunting map.

*Chimera of light got his Hp updated, as we can see, now she gets +233% hp bonus on lvl 10.

*Dunno if hellions got updated though.


This is a good opportunity to update the whole Pet Summon status system, which atm is pretty lame.


Edited by - D E A T H S T R O K E -
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7 hours ago, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:

*Dunno if hellions got updated though.


Hellions are being killed with one single hit as always. And in SS are raped with a single AOE monster's hit aswell.

Now, can't even handle a hit from ET1 monsters.


Hellions support's attribute its really a joke. Are even weaker than a Headcutter Crystal (tested it) and it's damage... well... let's avoid to talk about it (I mean with it's dmg/atkrtg can't even get the aggro's monsters)


Fighter role is absolutely broken and it seems it will keep as it.

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- D E A T H S T R O K E -


that's what i meant




My crimson knight barely could tank 1 AW mob, and I'm a Shaman 152 with BC crown and sol force, which means that PETS won't be able to survive 1 mob if a 136 is trying to Hunt

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My Fire elemental isn't tanning 132 iron core map either, why have a pet like that?

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wolf also is useless in SS meant to be a companion 2 hunt with and cant even use to kill mobs sad affair to all companions needs sorting bigtime ?



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