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need help with build after years of being gone

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Hello there,

So it's been a few years and I did not even realize I had characters or even that this game was called Wartale, was this always the name when it became a private server?
I've got a magician lvl 108 and am wondering if these skills are still up to date for PvE. In the screenshots you can see my skills and stats.
And can I even reset them? and how?



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I can't exactly tell how many points you have in each skill, but here is my skills as a 118 Mage.


Mental Mastery - 10

Watornado - 10

Enchant Weapon - 10


Energy Shield - between 5-10

Spirit Elemental - 10


Fire Elemental - 10 (for tanking)

Flame Wave - 10 (Combined with Watornado for most DPS)

Distortion - the rest


Magic Source - 10

Stone Spike - 10 (Main AoE damage)


~Use Dia or Meteorite until you can get lvl 10 Stone Spike

~Enchant Weapon boosts your attack damage, so it is extremely important

~Energy Shield drains a lot of mana so you can decide how high you want to level it

~Watornado is different than original skill. It is a 12 second duration damage amplifier. Use it and then Flame Wave for max damage.


Hope this helps!

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