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Question about ASS weapons

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Hey so I just started playing and I'm little bit confused about how the "Specialization" works
I made a few screenshots for clarification on what I mean.


So first question, how does the ATK Rtg work and same for ATK Pwr. 
Is lvl 3 the highest or is lvl 1 the highest? because when I equip one of the Slaugher knives that I think is better, my attack rating goes down but the weapon has more attack rating.
So it must be because I'm misunderstanding the "spec"? Meaning that lvl 1 is higher than lvl 3? because I don't understand how I could have less attack rating with a lvl 3 spec ATK Rtg.

It's very confusing and also hard to explain.

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Lvl/1 means your level divided by 1

Lvl/3 means your level divided by 3


If your weapon has 100 atkrtg and is lvl/1 being your level 99, the atkrtg applied bonus will be 100+99


If your weapon has the same stats and you are the same level but on spec weapon has lvl/3 the atkrtg applied bonus will be 100+33


Hope to be helpful 

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17 hours ago, cux said:

Lvl/1 means your level divided by 1

Lvl/3 means your level divided by 3


If your weapon has 100 atkrtg and is lvl/1 being your level 99, the atkrtg applied bonus will be 100+99


If your weapon has the same stats and you are the same level but on spec weapon has lvl/3 the atkrtg applied bonus will be 100+33


Hope to be helpful 

Thank you, this is very helpful!

Edited by Juvator

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Oh and I have a followup question actually if you could answer this too.

Current Stats

Cuz I read that attack rating is ofc important for ASS but it goes at the cost of damage.
But now I wonder what I should prioritize when it comes to weapons.

And how much to rate the "spec levels" over raw damage and attack rating on a weapon.
These I have equipped atm

Weapon 1
Weapon 2


And I found these weapons now.

Thunder Dagger

What do I equip in this scenario, your help would probably make it easier for me to decide in the future when I understand it better.

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does end game assassin need shield?

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some people use it, but i dont like it very much. it defeats the purpose of the character to wield a shield.

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