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Crystal drop from moon hunter

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Hi. So I've just come back to the game with this event and so far it's been great. I just wonder what specific crystals should I keep and use right away and/or sell in the smiths, and which ones should be sold in private shops, with what price? Specifically I looted Draxos, Tulla, Valento, Fallen Angel, Babel and some other non-specified crystals.


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you can sell them for easy gold, something like 200k each i think, it's a good extra for moon hunt farm. you can try sell them in ares server,  priorize Tulla, draxos and greedy for 144+ playes (the other take a lot of damege in ss ) no need to keep those cristals for leveling, they are SUPER week for xp maps and can only tank for you at hunt maps 

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I think Crystals are pointless between 110 and 128.  You're mostly Xping with the daily quests in the xp maps.  Once you get to 128 you can hunt after your xp quest while you're waiting for it to reset if there are no party quests the join  or you just like to solo as I do.


I use Hellhound, Dusky, Nether and Aeon crystals to hunt in Ice Mine.

Inferno and Aeon crystals to hunt in Death Island.

Stygian, Sooty, Ice Serpant, Igolition, and Legendary crystals to hunt in Ancient Weapon.

Tulla, Fallen Angel, Valento, Dark Guardian, Synthetic, and Relic to hunt to Secret Lab (because in SL I just run around the circle to hunt the undead for the quest and those four are best at following and tanking whatever follows me while I tank and kill the undead myself).

Greedy, Draxos, Kalvezu, and Nihil in Shadow Sanc.


Until you are high enough to use them, I would sell them in personal shop.  Prices Ive seen are 200k for Stygian, Sooty... 500k for Legendary, Synthetic... 1kk for the bosses.  I wouldn't bother with selling anything under Stygian... I would probably just NPC those if I wasn't using them.

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They can be still pointfull for other players who is under 128lvl! 

I wanna GM back to drop Nether Crystal in 144 map! And make mobs from them give you buff (depend class from crystal - PRS vl or t5 / shaman atck speed or atack power / mage - source --- its all only for player who sommom it!! and goes randomly for you ) It can give new and good life for Nether Crystals! And you still have buff till your crystal not dead!  

Yes, not all classes gives buffs!  But we have have some Hopy from aeon crystal so just a little unluck when not get class from it who gives buff! 

Edited by bakintosh

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And Nether Crystals already was used some class skills like freezee from prs, press deity from shaman - lets change this on buffs! 

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